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Experimenting with SDGs in Higher Education
作者 李如恩
聯合國於2015年發佈了17項永續發展指標,其核心精神在於解決現實問題,追求全人類不分種族、性別、年齡與階級的公平福祉。而臺灣高等教育長期被視爲具特殊社會地位的體系,如何發揮影響力實踐SDGs關鍵目標呢?綜觀近年的教育政策,教育部自2018年開始正式推動大學社會責任計畫,其目的在於鼓勵高等學府師生走出學術的象牙塔,進入在地社區,解決現實生活的問題,同時也服膺於SDGs之永續教育指標。本文以爲,USR之理念與David Kolb的體驗式學習理論有相同的精神,皆以師生與週遭環境互動爲基礎,因此本文將以Kolb的理論分析國內高等教育透過USR計畫推動的實踐場域,如何促進聯合國永續發展關鍵指標之完成。而Kolb的體驗式學習理論整合了認知科學、心理學、神經醫學等領域,因此本文也會嘗試輔以這些領域的理論做為旁證,試圖分析高等教育如何透過體驗式學習理論實踐社會責任並融入永續理念,提供高等教育在未來實踐社會責任及永續目標時可以參考及調整的方向。
In 2015, the United Nations released 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the core spirit of which is to address real-world problems and pursue equitable well-being for all people regardless of race, gender, age, and class. How can Taiwan's higher education, long regarded as a system with a special social status, exert its influence to achieve the SDGs' key goals? Looking at recent education policies, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has formally promoted the University Social Responsibility (USR) program since 2018, which aims to encourage higher education faculty and students to go beyond the academic ivory tower and enter the local community to solve real-life problems, while also adhering to the SDGs' sustainability education targets. This paper argues that the USR philosophy shares the same spirit as David Kolb's experiential learning theory, which is based on the interaction between faculty and students and their surroundings. Therefore, this paper will use Kolb's theory to analyze how the practice of higher education in China, promoted through the USR program, can contribute to the achievement of the United Nations' key sustainability indicators. Kolb's experiential learning theory integrates the fields of cognitive science, psychology, and neurology. Therefore, this paper will also attempt to use theories from these fields as circumstantial evidence to analyze how higher education practices social responsibility and integrates the concept of sustainability through experiential learning theory, providing a direction that higher education can refer to and adjust when practicing social responsibility and sustainability goals in the future.
起訖頁 163-177
關鍵詞 高等教育USR體驗式學習理論SDGs永續發展指標Higher EducationUSRExperiential Learning TheorySustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202210 (11:10期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 職前體育教師須面對之重要職涯選擇的辯證過程
該期刊-下一篇 在專題導向學習課程中探究學生的團隊歷程:採用團隊科學研究的觀點




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