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Infanticide and Child Abandonment from Han to Sui
作者 李貞德
It is often assumed that offspring symbolizes, one's fortune in traditional Chinese society, and Chinese people consider heirless the most unfilial thing. However, due to various reasons, cases are found throughout Chinese history that new-borns were either abandoned or killed. Parents of the Six Dynasties period gave up their babies mostly because of childbirth taboos and economic desperation of the families. Infants that were born with unusual features or on the bad dates, the fifth of May as the worst, were perceived as harmful to their parents. As for desperate families, babies, especially female ones, were often given up to reduce financial burden of the families. During the political chaos in this period of disunion, peasants and their children living along the borders of different regimes were most often victimized by heavy taxation and fatal corvee labor. The government and the society both tried to solve this problem. Both the central court and the local officials either applied severe punishment or provided childbirth subsidies to curtail child abandonment and infanticide. Scholars condemned baby-killing caused by childbirth taboos. Religious texts warned parents of retribution, and religious institutions may have played an important role in taking care of the deserted. Curiously enough, relatives within the ta-kung mourning obligations, who were thought to bear the responsibility of support according to traditional Confucian ethics, were often not in the scene of help. On the one hand, since nuclear families and stem families were more prevalent than lineal families throughout Han times and the Six Dynasties, desperate families hardly received support from kinship members. On the other hand, when poor people had to give up their new-borns to support their own parents or nephews, they would be honored and sometimes awarded for their acts of filial piety and fraternal love. The fundamental reason for people to apply such severe means even under the pressure of legal and religious penalties was the lack of effective methods in contraception and abortion. Although contemporary doctors recommended late childbirth and rare pregnancy, and medical texts suggested the knowledge of induced abortion, the under-developed gynecological techniques were still unable to serve the need. Under such circumstances, desperate women were pregnant, giving birth and then forced to give up their babies over and over again.
起訖頁 747-812
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 199509 (66:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 東漢晚期的疾疫與宗教
該期刊-下一篇 傅斯年、胡適與居延漢簡的運美及返台




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