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Epidemics and Religions in Late Han China
作者 林富士
本文主旨在於探討東漢晚期疾疫流行的情形,及其與當時宗教情勢之間的關係。據范曄《後漢書》的記載,中國社會在桓、靈二帝時期(147-189 A.D.)飽受「疾疫」的侵害,其後,在獻帝期間(189-220 A.D.),則似乎只有建安二十二年(217 A.D.)有「大疫」發生。然若綜合各種不同的史料來看,則一種或多種不知名的「疾疫」(即現代醫學所說的「流行病」),在東漢王朝最後的三十多年間,仍不斷侵襲中國社會,儘管可能只是間歇性的肆虐於某些區域。造成東漢晚期疾疫流行的原因已很難考定,但其帶來的衝擊和影響,卻可加以評估。單以宗教而論,巫祝的活躍、若干祠廟的興建、厲鬼信仰的熾盛、新興道教團體的崛起、佛教在中國境內的勃興,其實都和疾疫衝擊下,人心格外顯得憂懼疾病、多人渴求醫護的社會情境有緊密的關係。而巫祝、道士、與僧人,針對當時人的需求,適時提供了心理或生理上的醫療與救護,也使他們各自吸引了不少的信徒,因而形成三者鼎足而立的局面。當然,單以疾疫流行的社會情境,並不足以解釋巫、道、佛三種宗教勢力在東漢晚期的發展。但是,疾疫流行與宗教情勢二者之間在當時的緊密交纏,卻也不能忽視。
This essay attempts to investigate the spread of epidemics and their impact on the religious development of the late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. According to Fan Yüeh's Hou Han-shu, Chinese society suffered from rampant outbreaks of epidemics between 147 and 189. This work also indicates that from 189 until the fall of Later Han Dynasty in 220, probably only one epidemic occurred, in 217. However, if we examine other available sources, we find that an unknown epidemic(s) still sporadically attacked some regions of China in the last few decades of Later Han Dynasty. It is difficult to ascertain the causes of the epidemics that prevailed in late Han China, but we can make some preliminary conclusions as to their impact. In terms of religious activities, we find that the prevalence of shamans, the establishment of shrines, the prevalence of cults of malicious ghosts, the rise of religious Taoism, and the successful spread of Buddhism were all linked to the social crises caused by these epidemics. During this time of crisis, shamans, Taoist priests, and Buddhist monks provided necessary assistance to fulfill people's psychological and/or physical needs, thereby attracting numerous followers. As a result, shamanism, Taoism, and Buddhism became the three most dominant religious forces at the end of Later Han Dynasty and during ensuing dynasties. Although we should not overemphasize the role of epidemics in the development of Chinese religions, we still cannot ignore their direct or indirect impacts on religious movements during the waning years of Later Han Dynasty.
起訖頁 695-745
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 199509 (66:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 明清間美洲白銀輸入中國的估計
該期刊-下一篇 漢隋之間的「生子不舉」問題




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