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The Phonological Features and Historical Significance of InkyōHakki: A Continuation of MakōYinkyō's Revision of Mirror of Rhymes
作者 李柏翰 (Po-Han Lee)
The present paper focuses on Ōsawa Rai's 大澤賚 (1777-1865) Inkyō hakki 韻鏡發輝 and its series of related literature, interpreting the features of its ''Sishisan zhuan sanshiba zimu dingju tu'' 四十三轉三十八字母定局圖 which is a revision of Yunjing 韻鏡 (Mirror of Rhymes) and discussing the historical significance of Inkyō hakki within the history of Yunjing studies in Japan. Following the concept of zhengyin 正音, namely an ideal standard of pronunciation, as intepreted by Mon'nō 文雄 (1700-1763), Inkyō hakki modifies Makō yinkyō 磨光韻鏡 in order to revise Yunjing. Although Inkyō hakki does not specfically mention its relationship with Makō yinkyō, it is clear when comparing the two works that the former uses the latter in an attempt to ''restore the original'' of Yunjing, and to that end, includes a number of specific writing forms and examples. There are three focuses of this paper: first, the purpose of the production of Inkyō Hakki as well as how Ōsawa Rai adopted the zhengyin theory of Makō yinkyō as the basis for his work are expounded. Second, the author explores the meaning of re-editing the added characters, including the number of characters added, the characteristics of their phonological posistions, and the adjustments of both yunmu韻目 (rhyme entries) and example characters involved in the processes. Third, through investigating the 254 additions, deciphering the addition of two zimu 字母 and other notable circumstances, this paper apprehends the features of Inkyō hakki following the revision.
起訖頁 173-208
關鍵詞 韻鏡發輝磨光韻鏡重訂韻鏡韻鏡學史Inkyōhakki韻鏡發輝Makōyinkyō磨光韻鏡revisions of Yunjing韻鏡Mirror of Rhymeshistory of Yunjing studies
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202306 (41:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 後禮儀之爭時期耶穌會士韓國英的《禮記》翻譯──以「禮」與「宗教」為中心
該期刊-下一篇 戰爭論──蔣中正與西方兵學在臺灣的發展




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