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The Study of English Teachers' Vulnerability at the Primary School under the Wave of Taiwan Education Reform
作者 劉心瑜
Few studies had conducted on teacher’s vulnerability in Taiwan. The recent research (Chen, 2020) aimed to explore the nature of the professional vulnerability of primary school teachers; however, this previous study had explored the homeroom teachers’vulnerability instead of the subject teachers’. Moreover, the impact of the giant educational reform wave on teachers’professional vulnerability hadn’t been mentioned in Chen’s study. Therefore, this study shed light on the source of primary school English teachers’vulnerability and the relative strategies of dealing with the vulnerability. The study applied institutional ethnography to analyze interviews of six primary school English teachers, and adopted the analytical framework of Kelchtermans (2011) and Song (2016). From the micro perspective, the research results are found that primary school English teachers’vulnerability comes from: (1) the overload of work load; (2) the relationship between English colleagues; (3) the teaching direction cannot be autonomous; (4) the teaching performance evaluation system. From the macro perspective, it is known that English teacher can only cooperate passively in tons of English plans due to the influence of Taiwan's education reform. In terms of strategies for dealing with the vulnerability, the respondents in this article adopted a positive attitude and faced the challenges through improving their professional teaching ability and adjusting their mentality.
起訖頁 111-144
關鍵詞 2030雙語政策十二年國教建制俗民制英語教師脆弱性脆弱性的因應策略2030 bilingual policy12-year basic educationinstitutional ethnographyEnglish teachers vulnerabilitystrategies for dealing with the vulnerability
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202211 (48期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 從活躍老化觀點規劃社區照顧關懷據點教學人員培訓課程之行動研究──以快樂縣社區大學為例




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