中文摘要 |
為了解臺灣四十年漢學研究趨勢,本研究即以近四十年之間,漢學領域的學術期刊論文為研究對象,分為四個時期,1981-1990、1991-2000、2001-2010、2011-2021,探討各時期期刊論文的發表狀況,以了解各時期的漢學研究趨向。本研究利用國圖建置之臺灣期刊論文索引系統收集研究資料,從大約5,500 種學術期刊,逾286 萬筆篇目資料中進行普篩,找出收錄於系統資料庫中,符合時間範圍及漢學領域類目、類號的學術期刊論文,共計107,944 篇。本研究進一步就匯出之各類篇目數量進行統計分析,並進行關鍵詞權威處理和詞頻統計。除分別統計總篇數、各時期篇數及各類之篇目數量,並計算各類篇數占全部符合研究範圍之篇數的比例。以各時期的論文篇數及各主題在各時期的篇數來了解漢學各領域的發展趨勢。研究結果顯示,以2001-2010 年間是漢學研究最盛期期,相關期刊文獻計有31,615 篇;在研究領域方面,則以語言文學類最受重視,其次是歷史地理類;各時期各類期刊論文數量之占比則相差不多。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this research is to find out the trend of Sinology research in Taiwan over the past four decades. The statistics for this study were based on the published academic journal articles indexed by the Taiwan Periodical Literature database constructed by National Central Library (abbreviated as NCL TPL Database). The statistics concerning the publishing of Sinology academic articles were generated for four 10-years periods of time: 1981-1990, 1991-2000, 2001-2010, and 2011-2021 under the intention to discover the Sinology research state and trends of each 10-years periods of time. There are about 5,500 journals indexed by the NCL TPL Database, and the number of articles indexed is over 2.86 million. The filtering of Sinology articles from the database was conducted by Boolean searches of all the classification numbers related with Sinology, with each 10-years periods of time as filtering settings. The results of all the searches has retrieved 107,944 articles. Thereafter, further processing was conducted as follows: Firstly, gathered all the keywords of the retrieved articles while retaining the association between the keywords and their affiliated articles´ publishing year. Secondly, did the authority control for all the variant keywords of same meaning. Thirdly, calculated the occurrences of all the keywords, number of Sinology articles published in each 10-years periods of time, and number of articles for each Sinology-related classification number.Thereby, it was possible to calculate the proportion of articles in each classification number over the total Sinology articles, i.e., 107,944 articles from the preliminary Boolean searches. It is believed that from calculating the number of published Sinology-related articles for each 10-years periods of time, combining with the statistical analysis of number of articles in each classification number for each 10-years periods of time, it is possible to depict the state of researches for different sub-fields of Sinology over the past 40 years. The major findings from this research are as follows: During the year 2001-2010, there were as many as 31,615 Sinology-related articles published, ranged top among the four 10-years periods of time. As for research domain, articles in “languages and literature" counted the most, and articles in “history and geography" followed. Nevertheless, number of articles for each classification number of each 10-years periods of time, their proportion over the total retrieved articles showed no significant differences. |