中文摘要 |
透過收集媒體實際口語語料及華語與台灣閩南語對譯,本文確認台灣閩南語並非 SOV 語言,這結果與台灣閩南語語序相關文獻(e.g., Liu 2001, 2003,Tang 2006,Huang 2014)有所差異。即使 SVO 及 SOV 皆為台灣閩南語之可能語序,然 SVO 依然是主導該語言的主要語序。藉由語言事實來研究台灣閩南語的語序變化,呈現出充分描述的語言概化原則,並且提高處理跨語言語序變化的分析能力,也因此能解讀所謂「語言參數」的實際意涵,推導出藉由輕動詞移位衍生,並不適用語序分析的結果。考量文獻所認定的台灣閩南語為 SOV 或弱化的 SVO 之傾向,我們歸因其形成之因素如下:一、詞彙變異;二、複合詞形成之可能性;三、處置式的使用規範。即便如此,跨語言語序之差異只是一種傾向,而非絕對的黑白分明,例如日常使用的複合詞或合成動詞,其形成往往受制於地區、世代及個人差異,其表現各有所不同。 |
英文摘要 |
Detailed investigation of materials from primary sources and comparison of Mandarin stories and their Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) counterparts show that SVO is the predominant word order in TSM. Cross-linguistic differences in word order cannot be captured by parameterization of verb movement. Instead, this work explores factors contributing to TSM being perceived as SOV or weakly SVO, including lexical variation, verb compounding possibilities, and constraints on the “disposal” construction. Some of such factors may be affected by frequency of use and regional, generational and individual variations. |