英文摘要 |
天理教第二代真柱中山正善(下文以「第二代真柱」表示)在二次大戰前的1934年〔昭和9年〕和1937年〔昭和12年〕曾二次造訪台灣。造訪的足跡,在第二代真柱的兩本著作『南北』(1935年)與『台灣游記』(1937年)中可窺探一二。第一次在台灣停留了四天三夜。在台北的神社、總督府等地的正式訪問和公開演講結束後,利用夜間火車,以一整天縱貫台灣,視察各地的天理教會,是這樣緊密的行程。第二次在台灣停留用七天六夜的時間,主要目的是出席台灣傳道廳的遷座落成奉告祭。之後,搭乘夜間火車和轎車,用四天三夜的時間一邊繞行台灣一周,一邊進行正式訪問和視察。雖然都是很緊密的行程,但是對於第二代真柱而言,從其著作當中傳達出的是,台灣的魅力大大地驅使了他想更加瞭解的興趣。 The Second Shinbashira of Tenrikyo, Shozen Nakayama visited Taiwan in 1934 and 1937. We can get the outlines of the two trips in the two books written by himself respectively;“Nanboku”(South and North) and“Taiwan Yuuki”(Taiwan Travel Journal). He stayed in Taiwan for four days in his first visit. He made formal visits to the Taiwan Shrine and the Governor-General office in Taipei, a local government office in Gaoxiong and so on, in addition to twenty-three Tenrikyo churches from Gaoxiong to Keelung by car and train. He stayed in Taiwan for seven days in his second visit. The main purpose of this trip is to attend the opening ceremony of Taiwan Tenrikyo Headquarters in Taipei on January 10th, 1937. Then he changed his itinerary and decided to make a trip around Taiwan in four days. Although the schedule of each journey was very tight and hard, we will be able to find how much Taiwan charmed and interested him in the above two books he wrote. |