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A Study on the factors of culturallandscape cognition and tourismexperience in the Yangtze River
作者 李育菁竺頔劉錦鈺尤佳麗
長江是中華民族的代表性符號和中華文明的標誌性象徵。著力發揮文化和旅遊進一步推動文化和旅遊發展提質增效,深度融入長江流域經濟社會發展總體佈局,立足文化賦能、旅遊帶動來努力推動長江文藝景觀旅遊的高品質發展,是關係社會文化發展全域的重大策略。因而,在目前國家政策的支持與社會需求下探討大眾對於長江文藝景觀認知、打造方式與旅遊體驗重要性,對於促進文旅融合發展問題具有非常重要的理論價值與現實意義。本研究目的,是為了了解大眾對於長江文藝景觀的認知、旅遊驅動因素,以及體驗重要性偏好,以問卷調查為研究方法,共回收303 份問卷,其中302 份為有效問卷,1 份為無效問卷。研究結果顯示,不同年齡層與職業對於長江文藝景觀體驗的重要性偏好有顯著差異。長江文藝景觀的美觀性是大眾最為重視的體驗要素,主題公園則是大眾最偏好的景觀類型。大眾對於長江文藝作品喜好與認識度較低,建議文旅相關部門重視此問題,通過新聞或社群媒體力量提升大眾對於長江文藝景觀的了解,並利用影視作品打造長江文藝景觀有助於提升大眾對長江文化與景觀的認知與喜好程度。
The Yangtze River is the representative symbol of theChinese nation and Chinese civilization. It is an importantstrategy for the whole social and cultural development to givefull play to culture and tourism, further promote the quality andefficiency of culture and tourism development, deeply integrateinto the overall layout of economic and social development inthe Yangtze River basin and strive to promote the high-qualitydevelopment of literature and landscape tourism in the YangtzeRiver based on cultural empowerment and tourism. Therefore,under the current support of national policies and social needs,it is of great theoretical value and practical significance todiscuss the importance of the public's understanding of thecultural landscape of the Yangtze River, the ways of creating itand the importance of tourism experience. The purpose of thisstudy was to understand the public's cognition of the culturallandscape of the Yangtze River, the driving factors of tourism,and the preference for the importance of experience. A totalof 302 valid questionnaires were collected by questionnairesurvey. The results show that different age groups andoccupations have significant differences in preference for theimportance of the experience of the Cultural Landscape ofthe Yangtze River. The aesthetics of the literary landscape ofthe Yangtze River is the most valued element of the publicexperience, and the theme park is the most preferred landscapetype. The public's preference and understanding of literary andartistic works of the Yangtze River are low, so it is suggestedthat relevant departments of culture and tourism pay attention tothis problem, improve the public's understanding of the literaryand artistic landscape of the Yangtze River through the powerof news or social media, and create the literary and artisticlandscape of the Yangtze River by using film and televisionworks to improve the public's cognition and preference of theculture and landscape of the Yangtze River.
起訖頁 419-433
關鍵詞 長江文藝景觀旅遊體驗Yangtze Rivercultural landscapetourism experience
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 後疫情時代獨立樂團樂迷消費行為之研究




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