英文摘要 |
Taiwan indie music gradually trends in the musicmarket, broaden the market territory, music concept,influence. However, the COVID-19 has affected themusic industry in recent years. Under the policies andsocial atmosphere, many music festivals and musicactivities are canceled or delay. The COVID-19 highlightsthe uncomfortable local market, and the music industryshould think about it. Now that we are in the Post-Pandemic, although we have been studied many waysto prevent and control the COVID-19, it is still unable tomake the COVID-19 disappear, and this industry is facinghuge challenges. In this study, the research object is theconsumption behavior of indie music fans. First, definesthe indie music in this study and the COVID-19 broughtinfluencing factors, and analyzes the influence of musicfans' consumer behavior and the structure of the musicindustry. Then, in the survey of the network questionnaire,investigate the indie music fans loyalty, consumptionmotivation, consumption motivation and Fans affectedby the COVID-19, measure the measurement with fivepoints, and then conduct sample analysis and regressionanalysis of the results. The analysis mainly analyzesthe relationship between loyalty, purchase intention,consumption motivation and the influence of theCOVID-19, as well as the relevant factors affecting theacceptance of the music industry transformation. Theresults show that purchase intention has a significantimpact on the influence of the COVID-19, indicatingthat the greater the purchase intention, the less restrictedconsumption in the Post-Pandemic. The onlineinteraction rate of music fans has a significant impact on the acceptance of transformation, indicating that themore online participation and interaction, the easier it isto accept online performances. According to the abovestudies, the reasons for the results are discussed, and thereference management reference for indie music bands ormusic industry activities in the future. |