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Research on Juvenile Jurisdiction, Search and Diversion: Focusing on American Juvenile Jurisprudence
作者 黃鼎軒
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:102年 指導教授:蕭宏宜 我國少年事件處理法於1997 年10 月29 日修正施行。相較於舊法而言,修正條文達82 條,維持原條文者僅有8 條,修正比例高達百分之95,為我國少年事件處理法自1962 年公布以來,修正幅度最大的一次。本文先闡述美國少年司法制度之發展及其未來演進後,就美國法比較分析少年司法管轄、搜索及轉向處遇的歷史沿革,並介紹美國少年司法制度運作所產生的實務問題及解決方案,並適時就犯罪學基礎剖析其優劣。詳言之,本文先針對美國少年司法管轄而為介紹,相對應至我國少年事件處理法有何可借鏡之處。其次,針對搜索議題,少年就學期間最常遭遇者為學校教職員工所發動的校園搜查,窮盡我國相關法源後,僅發現依教育部所頒布的「學校訂定教師輔導與管教學生辦法注意事項」第 28 點有針對校園搜查發動主體、門檻、處所為相關規定。因此,本文分析美國少年司法實務對於校園搜查的操作案例,與上開注意事項比較後,爰提出相關校園搜查的修法建議。此外,本文聚焦於同意搜索的「自願性」及「第三人同意搜索」準用至少年事件程序中的可能疑義,並參酌美國少年司法實務見解以為借鏡,提出相關建議做成結論。最後,針對轉向議題,比較美國轉向處遇與我國轉介處遇後,擬於進入司法前的「轉向」與進入司法後再脫離司法的「轉介」之間替微罪少年找一條出路。本文主張,應於少年進入司法之前設置轉向委員會,就轉向委員會的設置、成員及流程提出建議,並作成結論。
Juvenile Delinquency Act was amended and announced in 29/10/1997. Compared to the old Juvenile Delinquency Act, the new one modified 82 articles and only 8 articles remained, the percentage of amending attain to 95%, which is the biggest growth of Juvenile Delinquency Act since it was announced from 1962. This paper is going to analyze the history of juvenile jurisdiction, school search, and diversion program, trying to introduce the solutions of those problems brought about from the practical operation of juvenile court in American juvenile jurisprudence.At first, this paper introduce American juvenile jurisdiction, comparing to the juvenile jurisdictions in Taiwan; giving suggestions of amending the law related to school searches in Taiwan.Second, during the period in school, students encounter the school searches conducted by the school staffs most frequently. In addressing such issue, by exhausting all the relevant sources of law, it is found that the only applicable regulation is “Precautionary Matters on Schools Enact Instruction of Counseling and Discipline of Students” promulgated by Ministry of Education. It regulates the subject, standard and place of school searches. Therefore, this paper analyzes the cases of school search in United States juvenile justice, comparing to the “Precautionary Matters” mentioned above; giving suggestions of amending the law related to school searches in Taiwan. In addition, this paper focuses on the inquiries of the methodology on the application of “Voluntariness” and “Third Party Consent Searches” to “Juvenile Delinquency Act” by taking the example of the Juvenile Justice in United States. This paper gives suggestions on such application and makes concluding remarks.Lastly, compared to the diversion programs in America and the referral in Taiwan, trying to find the solution between the diversion, which keeps the juvenile from entering to courts, and the referral, means keep the juvenile from courts after entering.To sum up, this paper argues that it should set up a “Diversion Committee’’ before juvenile entering to the court, then give suggestions in setting, members, process of diversion committee, and make conclusions of the paper.
起訖頁 1-169
關鍵詞 少年司法少年司法管轄校園搜查同意搜索合理懷疑轉向轉介轉向委員會標籤理論Juvenile JusticeJuvenile JurisdictionSchool SearchesConsent SearchesReasonable GroundsDiversionReferralDiversion CommitteeLabeling Theory
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東吳大學 
該期刊-上一篇 網路犯罪的刑法回應
該期刊-下一篇 民事因果關係概念之再構成




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