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The criminal law response of CyberCrime
作者 翟有中
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:103年 指導教授:蕭宏宜 現今網路世界已進入所謂「Web2.0」之時代,與前世代不同的是,產生了 所謂「互動式」的電腦服務(Interactive Computer Service),這樣的發展,讓我 國的網路普及率已經達到 50%以上,年輕族群的網路使用率,更高達了近 100%。 透過網路,人們可以隨時隨地使用各種網路服務與他人互動。從這樣的數據可以 了解,網路資訊安全之問題,是現今社會中最需關注的問題之一。「互動式」網路服務之發達,雖帶給人們廣泛的方便,但隨著人們頻繁交流 而來的,網路惡意行為也大量而生,犯罪之問題亦隨之而來。隨著科技之發展, 犯罪之型態亦跟著改變,網路世界中亦產生所謂之「網路犯罪」。在日常生活中, 人們經常使用的網路服務,例如:網路購物、網路聊天室、社群網站、網路論壇... 等等,都是網路犯罪行為活躍之處。本文挑選三種常見的網路犯罪與惡意行為作 為本文之主題,分別為:網路霸凌、網路釣魚以及網路論壇關於管理人員的刑責 問題。本文會先簡單介紹網路犯罪之發展與其特色,並由網路霸凌行為出發。網路霸凌行為是現代社會最應注意的網路問題之一,尤其現代年輕學子多長 時間於網路空間活動,為網路霸凌的高風險族群,美國更發生多起年輕學子被網 路霸凌後,因經不起傷害最後自殺的悲劇。筆者將藉由幾起美國知名的網路霸凌 案件(如:Megan Meier 案),介紹網路霸凌到底是怎樣的行為,並參考美國聯 邦政府以及案件地的州政府如何處理,進而探討我國刑法將如何處理網路霸凌行 為。網路釣魚則是現代人使用網路時,都可能遇到的犯罪行為。網路釣魚是透過 網路使用者經常使用的服務,如:電子郵件、偽造網站來進行;透過寄發假冒網 路服務提供者名義的信件,或透過假網站,誘使被害者在自己不知情下,一不小 心就洩漏自己的個人資料或進行交易,進而取得個人資料或財產。筆者亦將於本 文詳細介紹網路釣魚的態樣並探討其刑責問題。另外,去年年初發生了 PTT 網友因不服刪文而對板主提告之案件,告訴人主 張板主「妨礙電腦使用」。觀諸我國妨礙電腦使用罪章,有可能構成者,乃第 359 條之無故刪除電磁紀錄罪,本文將就此罪進行討論,並分析論壇管理者處理文章 是否真有可能構成本罪。再者,若論壇管理者發現妨礙他人名譽之文章,卻不進 行處理時,是否有法律上之責任?於美國、日本都已有不少針對網路服務提供者(ISP)之義務與民事侵權責任之討論,應值得我國參考。此外,本文亦將探討板務怠於刪文是否有可能構成共同正犯或幫助犯。
Cyber security is the most important social problem in our society. In web2.0, people can communicate by Interactive Computer Service such us Facebook, Skype or Internet forum …etc. Due to thousands of internet user in the world, Cybercrime become a severe social problem in our society.This paper will introduce 3 kinds of Cybercrime, including Cyber-Bullying, Cyber-Phishing. “Cyber-Bullying” is a severe problem in internet. To compare with traditional bullying, the victim of “Cyber-Bullying” can’t avoid it because people can use the internet in anywhere and anytime, by using computer or smartphone, increased the severity of “Cyber-Bullying”. There are many teenagers confront with the “Cyber-Bullying” problem and suffer them, and the victim commit suicide when they cannot sustain emotional distress any more. Megan Meier is a well-known case in America. This paper will introduce readers what is “Cyber-Bullying”, and find out why “Cyber-Bullying” is more serious than traditional bullying. And then, this paper will analyze whether “Cyber-Bullying” will against the criminal law in Taiwan or not.“Cyber-phishing” is a severe problem in internet too. Phishing is the attempt to acquire personal information such as usernames, accounts, and password…etc. by using Deceptive E-mail, fake sites or pharming. Phishing is a severe threat that keeps growing to this day. Every web users need to be careful of Phishing. This paper will introduce readers what is “Cyber-Phishing”. And then, analyze whether “Cyber-Bullying” will against the criminal law in our country or not. In America, there are many states legislate the anti- CyberPhishing law to solve the problem. This paper will analyze it and find out whether our country need it too.Besides, at the beginning of the year, the Moderators in PTT have been sued by the user, who his post has been deleted by Moderators. The user considered that the Moderators offensed the criminal law of the Republic of China. Observed the criminal law, the only things that the Moderators could be guilty was Article 359. This paper will analyze it.Besides, do the Moderators have any duty to remove Defamations? Do the Moderators have to responsible for any illegal article post by other users? There are many discussions in America and Japan. This paper will analyze these discussions, and find out whether the Moderators will against the criminal law or not.
起訖頁 1-135
關鍵詞 網路犯罪網路霸凌網路釣魚網路論壇板務人員CybercrimeCyberbullyingPhishingMegan Meier caseInternet ForumModerators
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東吳大學 
該期刊-上一篇 加重結果犯之研究--以歸責理論為中心
該期刊-下一篇 少年司法的管轄、搜索與轉向——以美國法制為中心




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