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The Meaning and Implementation of International Education2.0 in the New Curriculum Guideline Field
The International Education 2.0, which will last for 6 years in total, is implemented from 2020 to 2025. The new Curriculum Guideline for 12-year basic education begins its implementation from the 2019 academic year. This article aims to present a study about the meaning lying behind the implementation of International Education 2.0 in the current new Curriculum Guideline field. This article has covered several issues in the implementation of International Education 2.0 in the current educational field. Firstly, in the new Curriculum Guideline field, besides continuing the social issues integrated instruction, more importantly, the International Education 2.0 also aims at providing an extra room for planning school-based international educational programs through the school-developed required course, the alternative curriculum, and the inquiry-practice program. Secondly, International Education 2.0 attempts to improve students’competitiveness with its involvement of bilingual education in teaching academic content. Meanwhile, this will assist students in acquiring core cultural values of their mother tongue and second language and further realizing the ideal of glocalization through their code-switching process in class. Thirdly, due to the pandemic of Covid-19, distant learning and online instruction have become the mainstream teaching methods in the current post-pandemic educational scene. Teachers’technological capabilities, together with students’cultivation of technological literacy and global mobility, sparkle in the cloud database. This enables students to become digital citizens utilizing engaging in international exchange programs and international concerns. Under the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, the international education and global issues, such theoretical concepts have now turned into actual practice in the real-life situation, making it inevitable for both students and teachers to face up the issues in the current society and to meet future challenges. They are thus capable of employing literacy-based learning in the new Curriculum Guideline, moreover, making a big stride forward in lifelong learning by their international and globalized perspectives.
起訖頁 293-307
關鍵詞 國際教育2.0新課綱課程與教學資訊科技雙語教育international education 2.0curriculum guidelinebilingual educationinformation technologycovid-19
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202109 (2:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 案例教學運用於師資培育課程的經驗與啟示,以輔導原理與實務課程為例
該期刊-下一篇 論日治時期,臺中師範學校第一任校長及其校史計算之疑義




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