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An Observation on the Judicial Review in the Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties Cases
作者 李孝悌
進入常態民主憲政時期後,實踐轉型正義過程中最容易招致質疑者,乃認為追討過去不當取得財產或相關人等法律責任時,有違法治國家原則下的禁止法律溯及既往原則、比例原則、法律明確性原則等,被追訴不當黨產的政黨往往訴諸司法救濟。從而,法院的司法審查與對轉型正義內涵的認識,將成為追訴不當黨產的關鍵。本文先從轉型正義的學理上觀察指出,不當黨產訴訟案件中,法院將面臨選擇嚴守常態憲政的法治原則進行審理,抑或深刻理解轉型正義特殊性以實現公平正義,民主轉型國家的法院為了面對轉型壓力,可能有兩種不同的回應模式:轉型法院模式(transitional-court model)與常態法院模式(ordinary-court model)。由此基本架構出發,本文分別檢視司法院大法官解釋與行政法院判決的回應。釋字第793號解釋雖認為「政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例」合憲,其採取中度審查密度,在法治國家原則架構下檢視其爭議的合憲性,司法院大法官保有「轉型法院」溝通說理的特色。此外,行政法院尚未有不當黨產案件的實體判決,本文僅針對停止執行程序的裁定案件觀察,初步歸納出行政法院的立場,其採取高度保障人民財產權的立場而准許停止執行,顯然呈現「常態法院」模式而不利於不當黨產的追訴,期待行政法院亦能深化對不當黨產的理解以實現轉型正義。
"After entering the period of normal democratic constitutionalism, transitional justice is most likely to be questioned because it violates the rule of law. Therefore, political parties with ill-gotten property often resort to judicial proceedings. The standards of judicial review and the court's understanding of transitional justice will become the key to judicial proceedings. First of all, this article points out that the court will face the choice to strictly observe the rule of law, or to have a deep understanding of the peculiarities of transitional justice in order to achieve fairness and justice. Courts in democratic transition countries may have two different response modes: transitional-court model and ordinary-court model. Based on this structure, this article examines the interpretation No.793 of the Judicial Yuan (Constitutional Court) and the judgments of the administrative courts. No. 793 adopts mid-level scrutiny standard of judicial review and examines its constitutionality based on the rule of law. The Judicial Yuan's interpretation conforms to the ''transitional-court model'' and has the characteristics of communication and reasoning. On the other hand, the administrative courts seem to take a position of highly protecting people's property rights and permit the suspension of enforcement, which is closer to the ''ordinary-court model ''. Therefore, it is expected that the administrative courts will also have a better understanding of ill-gotten party property in the future to achieve transitional justice."
起訖頁 33-68
關鍵詞 不當黨產司法審查法治原則轉型法院常態法院停止執行Judicial ReviewRule of LawTransitional-court ModelOrdinary-court Model
刊名 黨產研究  
期數 202112 (7期)
出版單位 不當黨產處理委員會
該期刊-上一篇 黨職併公職:立法回顧與追討爭議
該期刊-下一篇 黨營事業之優勢地位探討:以民國40年代的裕台公司貿易業務為例




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