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A Study on Integrating Maker Education in Senior High and Vocational High Schools by Establishing Fab Laboratories
作者 林孟郁林欣蓉張堯卿
"This study was a qualitative research design of an interactive approach, aiming to explore the feasibility and implications of introducing maker education into technology education in senior high and vocational high schools by establishing fab laboratories. The analysis framework is divided into the following three stages: (1) Problem description: This section focuses on the discussion about the influence of 「limitations of laboratory equipment」 on 「main part of teacher's curriculum 」 in the initial stage of the establishment of the fab laboratories; (2) Implementation analysis: From the perspectives of 「 necessity of establishing a professional community」 and 「development of interdisciplinary cooperation」, this section examines how curriculum design and teaching activities were structured, interpreted and transformed in the process of introducing fab laboratories into technology education; (3) Reality interpretation: This section attempts to answer the questions emerging from the real scene in education. They are analyzed from the aspects of 「the liberation of curriculum practice」 and 「the possibility of using accountability mechanism」. These questions include: Were the approaches to resolving obstacles or controversies in the practice process accepted by the teachers? What effect or influence did they have on the implementation process and effectiveness of the program? Did they have a huge impact and change on the development of technology education? The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Educators should observe students’ needs and then negotiate and formulate proper action strategies; (2) There is a need to liberate the curriculum awareness of teachers and students and loosen the mechanism of performance evaluation; (3) Teacher’s professional enhancement training needs to be better implemented so that teachers are capable of providing good technology education. It is hoped that this study can encourage educators to reflect on the essence and role of technology courses in the context of the twelve-year compulsory education, and avoid becoming a means of policy deployment."
起訖頁 273-293
關鍵詞 自造教育教育市場化批判教育maker education and technologymarketization of educationcritical pedagogy
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202107 (2:4期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 專題製作英語繪本故事敘說者問題意識與運思之認知研究
該期刊-下一篇 全球化對臺灣民主之挑戰及民主教育策略:以高中學習階段為例




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