中文摘要 |
"2020年的新型冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)疫情嚴峻橫掃全球,台灣也免不了受波及並考驗我們的醫療院所,自由健康網於2021年5月24日報導台大醫院吳明賢院長寫了一封信感謝同仁肩負起照顧確診病患的責任,但話鋒一轉直言「所有的重大災難,都是一面照妖鏡!」痛批藉機放長假逃避災情的住院醫師「無情且傲慢!」讓師長們痛心。他說,大多數的住院醫師不忘初衷的熱血行為,讓人熱淚盈眶,但是聽聞有少數科別住院醫師,把自己當成局外人,甚至藉機放長假,這些行為不僅無情而且傲慢,讓師長們痛心。" |
英文摘要 |
"The Covid 19 has caused a lot of stress and also taken some lives either through the effect of vaccination or the pandemic itself. Medical professionals have their hands full in caring the infected yet a little number of young physicians taking leave at the beginning of the pandemic to stay away from the possible virus surrounding. Dr. Wu, the superintendent of Taiwan University Hospital, witnessing this phenomenon has written a letter to call all medical professionals to reflect on their professional mission. This short article is a response to Dr.Wu’s appeal to re-think the importance of medical humanities and advocate that the spirit of medical humanities must be implemented in medical education to instill the future physicians with the mind of compassion and empathy in their medical practice. In the meantime, this article will also discuss briefly what the spirit of medical humanities is about." |