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作者 莊春發范建得
Taiwan is now promoting a new national development scheme--“challenging the year of 2008.”Among variable goals to be achieved narrated in the scheme, to keep up the pace with the global trend, to cop with the competition from mainland China and to build up a new sustainable environment and e-Taiwan can hardly be implemented without subject to cooperation. The establishment of new technology based industries has long been government’s policy. In turns, joint Research and Development becomes essential to most of the major R & D plan, including the basic science research, national R & D plans & industry R & D alliances. This is especially true after Taiwan becomes a member to the World Trade Organization. The harmonization between technology development policy and national competition welfare, the protection of competition benefits among different industries fairly and the maintenance of market competition mechanism all share the same antitrust concern, viz. the possible collusion. According to the Fair Trade Law of Taiwan, the joint R & D between competitors has been generally prohibited unless the plan is pre-approved by the Fair Trade Commission. Therefore, it becomes necessary to figure out the way to gain a balance between the goals of national development and the welfare of competition policy. Indeed, this has been the core issue to be covered in the research project. In this research, taking the US, European and Japanese legislative trend as well as their regulations into consideration, a proposed guideline for reviewing R & D cases was recommended. In principle, this guideline follows the global trend of deregulation in dealing with a joint R & D case.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 聯合行為共同研發例外許可經濟分析CollusionJoint R & DExemptionsEconomic Analysis
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202109 (2021:9期)
該期刊-上一篇 競爭政策與產業政策的替代與互補
該期刊-下一篇 台灣媒體在廣告市場競爭關係之研究




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