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Discussion on the Characteristics of Intimate Relationship Violence Cases Complicated by Physical Violence in children
作者 渠正慈梁欣丞斯儀仙
以往社會大眾較少關心身處暴力家庭環境中的兒少,然而兒少時期係人生快速發展的階段,其個體的危險因素主要即發生於家庭,成長在家庭成員間有嚴重衝突環境中的兒少(尤以婚姻暴力家庭為甚),未來更容易產生行為問題。雖然親密關係暴力與兒少身體暴力事件時常伴隨發生,且對兒少未來人格行為可能產生極大影響,然而學術研究大多分別聚焦於婚姻暴力或是兒少受虐,鮮少研究分析親密關係暴力合併兒少身體暴力的事件。因此,本文期待從對親密關係暴力及兒少虐待的定義、類型、理論與成因的探討出發,並試圖從警政通報系統所蒐集的官方資料,初窺親密關係暴力合併兒少身體暴力案件的特性,俾利對家庭暴力事件相關議題有更全面、更整體的理解,給予暴力家庭內的兒少更多關懷。 本文採用次級資料分析之研究方法進行探討,針對2014年至2018年警政家暴通報系統中曾經遭受過親密關係暴力者為研究對象,以關係人基本資訊、被害人特性、案件特性、「台灣親密關係暴力危險評估量表」TIPVDA量表特性及相對人特性等5個部分與是否發生兒少身體暴力案件進行卡方獨立性檢定,並得出以下5個主要研究發現:重大嚴重親密關係暴力案件、被害人受暴型態為經濟暴力及性暴力時、相對人具有不良行為或習慣時、相對人有開瓦斯或對被害人按頭入水等無法呼吸之暴力行為態樣時及相對人有公共危險行為、自殺行為、不良嗜好或反社會人格時,均較容易併同發生對小孩施以身體暴力行為。
In the past, the public has paid less attention to children in violent families. However, the period of childhood is a stage of rapid life development. Individual risk factors occur mainly in the family, and children who grow up in an environment where family members have serious conflicts (especially in families with marital violence) are more likely to develop behavior problems in the future. Although intimate relationship violence is often accompanied by physical violence in children and may have a great impact on children's future personality behaviors, most academic studies have focused on marital violence or child abuse, while few studies have analyzed incidents of intimate relationship violence combined with physical violence in children. Therefore, this article offers to discuss the definition, types, theories, and causes of violence in intimate relationships and child abuse, and attempts to discern the characteristics of intimate relationship violence combined with child physical violence cases from official information collected by the police notification system. This study aims to facilitate a more comprehensive and overall understanding of issues related to domestic violence incidents and to provide better care to children in violent families. This article uses the research method of secondary data analysis. The intimate relationship violence cases from police domestic violence notification systems from 2014 to 2018 were analyzed. The chi-square independence test is performed based on the basic information of the related person, the characteristics of the victim, the characteristics of the case, the characteristics of the TIPVDA scale, and the characteristics of the relative person, and whether a physical violence case involving children has occurred. The research findings were that in situations of major and serious intimate relationship violence cases where victims suffer economic violence or sexual violence, the relatives have bad behaviors or habits, exhibit violent behavior that makes the victim unable to breathe, public dangerous behaviors, suicidal behaviors, bad hobbies or anti-social personalities, they are more likely to commit physical violence to children at the same time.
起訖頁 25-71
關鍵詞 海洋治理社會資本海洋基本法海洋政策海洋政策白皮書ocean governancemarine governancesocial capitalocean policyocean actocean policy white book
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201910  (22期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 以社會資本理論省思海洋治理發展新趨勢──對海洋基本法的反思與建議
該期刊-下一篇 大一新生使用行動應用程式,習慣於英語文永續學習之初探研究




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