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Reflecting on the new trend of ocean governance development based on social capital theory—Reflections and Suggestions on the Ocean Basic Act
作者 黃靖麟
This article discusses ocean governance base on the perspective of social capital theory. The stakeholders of the policy network share beliefs and then build trust by frequent interactions. It's meaning, the ocean governance could work within that stakeholders can be integrated by fairly interaction. According the EU ocean governance experience, if the good ocean governance could be work, it should be to focus on social interaction to integrate stakeholders under the ecological system. Another successful ocean governance experience in UK, it works by informal invitations to integrate stakeholders. Taiwan started to develop ocean policies in 2001 because of safeguarding sovereignty. In 2004, the Taiwan government announced state development base on marine as its ocean policy. In 2019, both of safeguarding sovereignty and state development base on marine are implemented in the Ocean Basic Law. In 2020, although Taiwan government published the National Ocean White Paper, but it does not focus on green energy and forming an ally with stakeholders. The government have to promote both of that and let the good ocean governance true in the future.
起訖頁 5-23
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201910  (22期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 在實踐中迅猛發展的中國大陸公共管理學科
該期刊-下一篇 親密關係暴力案件特性併發兒少身體暴力之探討




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