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Exploring Freshmen's Habits of Using Mobile Apps in Sustainable English Language Learning
作者 Pei-Shih Chen (Pei-Shih Chen)
Through an exponential speed in the development of mobile phone technology, more and more students are using their mobile phones for multi-tasking features, including English language learning. Acquiring knowledge in English language learning can be easy and not wasting any time as long as connecting to a network with a mobile phone. How to sustain in English language learning and continue learning outside of the classroom is the focus in this study. The purpose of this study was to explore freshmen's habits of using mobile apps in sustainable English language learning. A simple questionnaire with six questions was conveniently distributed and administrated to the freshmen in a university of law enforcement in northern Taiwan. The study sample consisted of 95 freshmen enrolled at a university in the field of law enforcement in northern Taiwan. Of this sample, 55 freshmen were in two-year bachelor program, and 40 in four-year bachelor program. The findings have shown that different mobile apps are used and divided into ten categories including online video platform, news, dictionary, vocabulary, radio station, social networking, listening practice, exam preparation, medicine education, and translation. The number one choice of mobile app category for English language learning is online video platform, followed by news, then dictionary. The number one choice of mobile app category for most frequently used is online video platform, followed by dictionary, then vocabulary. And finally, the number one choice of mobile app category for students' most favorite is online video platform, followed by dictionary, then vocabulary. The results can be served as a future reference for course design with technology integrated in the language curriculum for sustainable English language learning.
起訖頁 73-88
關鍵詞 親密關係暴力兒少身體暴力警政家庭暴力通報案件Intimate relationship violencechild physical violencedomestic violence notification cases of police agency
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201910  (22期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 親密關係暴力案件特性併發兒少身體暴力之探討
該期刊-下一篇 【中華國家競爭力研究學會年會圓桌論壇】論壇紀實




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