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The Study of the Dilemma and Reform of the Full -Time Coach System: New Taipei City Case Study
作者 胡至沛高雅玲
我國自2003年三讀通過將專任運動教練納入「國民體育法」及「教育人員任用條例」後,陸續擬定專任運動教練相關的法規。然而,專任運動教練制度實施至今,其相關法規制度陸續擬定並執行,但是實施後所呈現的真實面貌、有無調整之必要,仍少見相關文獻與研究討論。 本文透過文獻分析和深度訪談,選擇以新北市作為分析個案,呈現專任運動教練制度與在現場運作的實際現況。據此,本文的主要發現則是有:一、專任運動教練制度條文內容已趨完備,二、專任運動教練職場現況差異大,三、肯定專任運動教練制度、條文內容仍有調整之必要。
Since 2003, the Legislature has passed the third reading for the system of Full-Time coach and brings it into the“National Sports Act”and“Education Personnel Employment Law”. Therefore, gradually to set up the regulation law of full-time coaches and the law has been implemented till today. The regulation has been delivered and executed years, what is the reality after the implement? the need for adjustment? there is still little relevant literature and research discussion Through Document Analysis and depth interview, this study takes New Taipei City as example, and presents the actual status of the full-time coach system and its operation in the field. According to empirical analysis, the findings and conclusions as following: First of all, the content of regulation of full-time coach is almost developed, secondly the diversity of full-time coach in different specialty, lastly we award the system of full-time coach, however the adjustment in some regulation and content is still needed. In order to make the full-time coach system more complete, this study integrate the deep interview opinions, and offer relevant suggestions for improvement. Finally, these can help for the development of professional sports and continuous cultivation of outstanding players.
起訖頁 43-74
關鍵詞 專任運動教練體育教師專業運動國民體育法教育人員任用條例full-time coachsport teacherprofessional sportsNational Sports ActEducation Personnel Employment Law
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201710  (20期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 府際關係與跨域治理中「跨域性」之研究──以「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」為核心
該期刊-下一篇 由政治及經濟的角度分析台灣的警政治理




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