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Political and Economic View of Police Governance in Taiwan
作者 馮珮君
本比較研究涵蓋了1949年至2015年警察在台灣戒嚴期至民主發展期的新自由主義之間的變化,並分析了國民黨執政進而民主進步黨接棒,復又由國民黨拿下執政權,政黨輪替變化之間影響了台灣警政系統並進一步影響我國的政治經濟發展。 研究變化包括警政署由戒嚴時間的威權警政,轉型成為民服務的警政治理模式,引進西方當代的警政管理哲學和行政改革的形式,更重視全品質管理。研究分析顯示這些變化皆屬正面的改革,包括維持治安、促使社會安定並使警政組織。
This research makes a comparative police studies in Taiwan between the authoritative period and the new liberal changes initiated by democracy, covering the timeline from 1949 to 2015. It analyses the change in ruling political parties from Kuomintang to Democratic Progressive Party (KMT), which in turn influences the policing system in Taiwan, and impacts the political-economy. While transitioning to democratic liberal ideals, the National Police Agency (NPA) of Taiwan has changed in its efforts from the autocratic days to a more liberal democratic period. These changes come in the form of reforms carried out by the NPA in initiating quality management and technological changes along the lines of Western police management and administration. The outcome of these changes is that policing functions within (internal) and outside (external) the organization has changed towards the better in Taiwan, and as much as policing is shaped by the nature of the state and ruling political parties, policing no doubt is contributing towards the development of political-economy and to nation-building. This research allows help initiate the study of‘policing in Taiwan' to enter the mainstream literature studies in political studies. A comparative study of policing from the past to present or from autocratic to democratic Taiwan has been rarely analyzed in detail with the exception of Cao, Huang and Sun in their Policing in Taiwan: From Authoritarianism to Democracy in 2014. This research is expected to make the comparative studies of policing in Taiwan, as well as look into how the political-economy of the country is being shaped by the nature of the state and the ideologies followed by political parties in Taiwan.
起訖頁 75-93
關鍵詞 政黨輪替政治經濟警政治理Kuomintang to Democratic Progressive Party (KMT)Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)National Police Agency (NPA)Police GovernancePolitical-economy
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201710  (20期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 專任運動教練制度實施困境與革新之探討:新北市現況分析




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