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Intergovernmental Relationship and Cross- Boundary Governance: Collaboration and Partnership in the“Project for Cross-Field Value-Adding in Public Works Financial Planning”
作者 朱鎮明
伴隨專業與知識的快速演變,公私協力、府際關係下的政策執行也面臨重大的轉折與鉅變。然而,目前我們對於何謂「跨域性」仍未有系統性概念,也尚未釐清如何在更專業的公共議題或公共建設上,建立公共參與的觀念與機制,落實多層次治理的善治理念。 本研究透過對行政院「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」(101~106)之研究,來釐清此一跨域治理方案的成敗因素與意涵。所謂「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」,就是要求各機關提報建設計畫向中央政府申請補助前,要先研究建設或服務計畫可能創造的效益,包含日後的營運管理,然後將這些興辦及營運的效益或收入,轉為自籌經費(自償部分),如此公共建設與服務的自付自償提高,降低日後成為蚊子館或閒置設施的風險。 簡言之,這套方案橫向跨越公共建設、土地開發、財務規劃等領域與部門,也橫向跨越政府與民間部門,也跨越中央與地方關係。儘管剛在106年1月初,「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」及相關計畫被國發會宣告終止,但「跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案」所揭櫫的三重跨域性(跨專業、跨公私、跨府際),仍具公共行政的研究價值與前瞻性。
Government is assuming a new and transformational leadership role, which is highlighted by structural resource scarcity and the assumption of new missions in our political structure. These new missions also mandate regional, local governance, and multi-level governance, all with planning and in service delivery. Taiwan has been witnessing the development of public innovation and economic development policies-“Project for Cross-Field Value-Adding in Public Works Financial Planning”, which decides the amount of subsidies through requesting local governments to internalize external benefit and to raise the self-financing ability of project. This project, conducted by various actors, whether the state or the various local authorities, has triggered the emergence of complex stakeholder systems in the cross-boundary issue, territories, raising doubts about their coordination and performance. Planning in the twenty-first century must be strategic, regionally based, and founded on the principles of community sustainability. Besides, the public-private partnerships challenge the ability of citizens to influence their spatial surroundings. The project seems to lack of participatory channels in early planning phases. Service delivery, while maintaining its traditional emphasis on public safety and service, must move into areas that address the growing social and economic needs of our citizens. The foundation for mission success will see regionalism, deliberative
起訖頁 13-41
關鍵詞 跨域治理府際關係公私協力跨域加值公共建設財務規劃方案cross-boundary governanceintergovernmental relationshippublic-private partnershipProject for Cross-Field Value-Adding in Public Works Financial Planning
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201710  (20期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 起來採取行動才能改革公共服務
該期刊-下一篇 專任運動教練制度實施困境與革新之探討:新北市現況分析




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