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A study on the standard and Affects of Political Finance Act in Taiwan
作者 馮美瑜
The democracy advanced countries concentrates on a construction already to the fairer reasonable competition environment of the political party and the candidate, urge political party finance publicly transparent, and insure a deviationist operation to look after both sides of the principle of democracy and peace. They are also standard of the line regarding election donation for years. And our country also approves ''Political Finances Act'' in 2004. Although the problem of all countries to campaign-fund values and takes into standard already, domestic still break out the related scandal that the illegality takes campaign-fund one after another in recent years and outside, ''campaign fund'' becomes democracy representative government in the most urgent problem faced. This article mainly carries on research analysis to the standard and influence of our country ''Political Finance Act'', by the laws study. Analyzes states campaign funds the definition, the basic standard, the penal regulations and with other related concept defining clearly. Then understand the campaign-fund is in the modem and political activity the function played and put forward self-criticism.
起訖頁 211-232
關鍵詞 政治獻金法制規範競選經費Political Financelegal system standardCampaign funds
刊名 北臺灣科技學院通識學報  
期數 200907 (5期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 記光復初期中共在台之地下組織:台灣省工作委員會
該期刊-下一篇 漸進調適與政治糾葛:民進黨政府開放大陸客來台觀光政策之分析




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