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臺北城市科技大學通識學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Travel Boom in Tainan: the View of Sense of Place
作者 張婷婷 (Ting-Ting Chang)鄭任汶
近年來,臺南地區觀光旅遊熱潮興盛,民宿、旅館、小吃、餐廳、老屋新生、新創地方產業等蓬勃發展,以臺南為核心關懷的書寫也頗為盛行,相對於我國其他地區,臺南除了擁有特殊的歷史發展地位之外,其在地認同的強度也較高,更吸引許多移居者前往短期居住或定居。本研究旨在探究近年來臺南地區觀光熱潮興起的原因,從地方感(sense of place)的角度,將吸引遊客到臺南的抽象因素予以分析,以試圖瞭解近年來臺南熱潮興起的原因。本研究分別從次級資料的面向來探討臺南地方感形成的模式,以及透過文化迴路的概念,整理出各種視覺文本留下來的印象轉換成前往臺南消費的實際行動。本研究指出,臺南本身歷史文化加上部落客的故事陳述,促成了吸引遊客思古情感的旅遊標的,將原本抽象的感覺被理性分析成一個個獨立的要素;特殊的感覺回憶,再經由不同資訊刺激強化將感覺回憶再現,透過循環不斷的再現,呈現正向循環的增強,促使遊客不斷地前往旅遊。未來持續強化文化產品的認同與永續經營,可能是未來產官學界必須持續研究的方向。
In recent years, travel to Tainan is booming. Many homestays, hotels, street foods, restaurants, old houses renew, and new local industries have flourished, articles, reports blogs of Tainan as the main concept are also quite popular. Tainan has a special historical stories and higher local identity, with a kind of attractive to many immigrants to short-term residence or settlement. The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons for the tourism booming in Tainan recently and try to analyze the abstract factors the attract tourists to Tainan from the perspective sense of place, in order understand the reasons for the of tourism booming in Tainan. This study explores the pattern of the formation of sense of place from the secondary data and sorts out the impressions left by various visual texts and converts them into actual consumption in Tainan through the concept of cultural loops. In result of this study, Tainan's own culture and the story writing by bloggers contributed and stimulated to the emotions of reminiscence of tourists in Tainan. Through the continuous reproduction cycle of the telling of Tainan's local culture and feeling, the positive cycle is enhanced, then prompting tourists to continue to travel. In the future, the recognition and sustainable operation of cultural products will continue to be strengthened, and this issue worth to continue study hence.
起訖頁 199-216
關鍵詞 臺南地方感在地觀光旅遊文化迴路Tainansense of placeculture loop
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202103  (10期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 最後希望的破滅:李宗仁與第三勢力運動
該期刊-下一篇 以媒體豐富度與網路口碑探討客庄旅遊地行為意圖之研究




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