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A Study of the Behavioral Intention of Hakka Village Tourist Spot Based on Media Richness Theory and e-WOM
作者 任文瑗
Google Maps在地嚮導服務傳遞景點地標的資訊量極為豐富,資訊豐富度減少人們對旅遊景點的資訊模糊性、不確定性之擔憂,協助人們在短時間內理解資訊,進而制訂旅遊地的決策。本研究以Google Maps鍾肇政文學生活園區為例,透過Google在地嚮導在Google Maps分享客家文學、文化與典故等相關資訊;接著,比較Google Maps和Tripadvisor二個媒體在鍾肇政文學生活園區之媒體豐富度的差異;最末,以媒體豐富理論探討即時回饋、傳遞多元訊息、語言多元化、客製化等準則對網路口碑的影響,亦討論媒體豐富度與網路口碑對客庄旅遊地行為意圖的影響。客家文學資訊結合Google在地嚮導是一項創新作法,透過嚴謹理論推導媒體豐富度、網路口碑與客庄旅遊地行為意圖之間的命題,提供學術界做為客家觀光理論基礎的參考,亦提出客庄文化觀光之實務應用與管理意涵。
“Google Local Guides'' service delivers wealthy information about attractions and landmarks. The information richness of tourist destinations decrease consumers' worries about ambiguity and uncertainty, and it is helpful and effective when consumers make decisions about tourist destinations. According to Zhong's Memorial Hall case, this study communicates Hakka literature, culture, and allusions on Google local guides of Google Maps. Next, compare the differences in media richness between Google Maps and Tripadvisor via Zhong's Memorial Hall case. In the end, the study explores the impact of immediate feedback, multiple cues, personalization, and language variety to electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM); meanwhile, this study discusses how the behavioral intention of Hakka village tourist spot is impacted by both media richness and e-WOM as well. The combination of Hakka literature and Google's local guides is an innovative approach. This study proposes propositions among media richness, e-WOM, and the behavioral intention of Hakka village tourist spot. It provides references for the theoretical basis of Hakka tourism and also proposes the practical suggestions and managerial implications of Hakka cultural tourism.
起訖頁 217-240
關鍵詞 媒體豐富理論網路口碑行為意圖客家文化Google在地嚮導media richness theorye-WOMbehavioral intentionHakka CultureGoogle local guides
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202103  (10期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 愛戀臺南──從地方感談臺南的觀光熱潮
該期刊-下一篇 試論正體字與大陸繁體規範字之間的差異




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