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A Study of Qi Rushan's Da Gu Publications
作者 陳淑美
Shuochang (narrative singing) and traditional Chinese operatic performing art ''derived fromeach other, depended on each other, and learned from each other.'' Qi Rushan (1875-1962), whosemajor field of study was Beijing Opera, included shuochang materials in his collection of field dataregarding the development of Beijing Opera.“Guci Xiaodiao”(folksongs sung to a big drum) fromVolumn V of Complete Works of Qi Rushan is one of them. Qi was involved in the Beijing OperaImprovement Movement, taking place during 1913-1930, led by Beijing Opera actor Mei Lanfang. Healso compiled and wrote about Beijing Opera stage elements. During the 1970s, when authorities inTaiwan promoted the revival of Chinese culture, Qi was well known as a master in Beijing Operatheories. But these days, studies on Qi have been focusing mostly on his Beijing Opera theories andlibrettos co-written by Qi, Mei and other artists. Qi's views on shuochang were rarely mentioned. Thisthesis is to explore Qi's views on shuochang by analyzing the essay ''On Dagu (Big Drums) andPiaoyou (Amateur Performers)'' from Guci Xiaodiao. It turned out that Qi retained rich historicmaterials regarding the origins of dagu and the terms dagu and piaoyou, the relations between theseorigins, and how dagu was accepted in Beijing at the time, by keeping a compiled written record ofinterviews. Qi's theory on the relations between big drums and the term piaoyou has been cited bylater dictionaries and knowledge books on Beijing Opera. Moreover, he was a pioneer in compilinginterviews into written forms, which turned into a trend at the time. However, confined by the era,Qi's knowledge of Dagu art and Dagu performers was limited. This thesis is not to criticize Qi'stheories, but to reexamine the time and place of Qi's writing, and to reunderstand the ideas of Qi, whowas probably a pioneer in researching traditional Chinese dramatic arts during 1930-1950.
起訖頁 95-111
關鍵詞 齊如山鼓詞大鼓票友說唱藝術Qi Rushangucidagupiaoyoushuochang
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201204  (1期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 試論元刊雜劇之外腳
該期刊-下一篇 論鍾馗傳說與辟邪信仰的幾個面向




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