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Application of Color Management System in Art Conservation
作者 羅鴻文
當藝術品需要進一步修護處理時,典藏管理人員與修護師通常以視覺來判斷藝術品是否有任何異樣(變色、裂痕、昆蟲排泄異物等),但往往缺乏全面性且科學化的評估作為依據。本研究目的是探討影像數位化過程中,單應性理論(homogeneous matrix)以及數位像素顏色分配圖的結合,應用在藝術品的色彩差異比較,利用投影矩陣找出繪畫作品在修護前後影像中的位置在進行對位,依照「國際色彩聯盟」(International Color Consortium, ICC)發展的色彩描述檔(ICC color profile)色彩管理程序,可以降低每次拍攝之色彩差異,提供的色差公式計算畫作修護前後的色差比較。希望透過色彩科學的應用,代替肉眼主觀的判斷,作為藝術品在經過長時間保存、短期展示甚至修護處理的記錄資料;再者,可讓典藏管理人員與修護師決策修復方案時的參考依據,達到藝術品維護保存的目的。
Normally, conservators assess their treatment decisions according to the visual effect personally desired, but it is not always comprehensively scientifically based. In this study, the author investigated how combining homogeneous transformation, ICC profile and CIE color difference formulas to overcome several regularly encountered photographic shooting issues for digitized paintings. A solution is suggested for accurately digitizing artworks by analyzing the image color differences of one painting taken by a digital camera on two separate occasions. The resulting image color difference map between the two images is displayed and analyzed. The goal is to achieve an effective technical assessment of true colour reproduction through color science and technology instead of a subjective human judgment. The key aim is to record the color differences of art work in order to provide quantified information about its conditional changes for preventive conservation. Another key aim is to provide data in a form that can be easily understood by conservators and curators in order to inform conservation decision-making.
起訖頁 79-92
關鍵詞 藝術品保存數位攝影色彩管理Art ConservationDigital PhotographColor Management
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201506 (31期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣傳統剪黏藝術施作工序流程
該期刊-下一篇 文化資產與地方發展:苗栗古窯事件的公共對話




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