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Artistic Working Technique of Traditional Taiwanese Ceramic Applique
作者 白士誼
This traditional ceramic appliquéstyle, also known as cut-stick art, is the most commonly seen decorative art on the exterior of traditional buildings in Taiwan. According to the relevant literature, it was during the mid-Ching dynasty that cut-stick art was introduced to Taiwan, and it began to flourish at the end of the dynasty. The so-called“cut”refers to cutting the ceramic slices or colored glass into the required shapes, while the“stick”means embedding the material into an undried clay sculpture. The procedure of such insertion and embedment is what is referred to as cut-stick. In order to fulfill the requirements of their patrons, early artisans acquired skills in both ceramic appliquéand Koji pottery. Ceramic appliqué, in particular, had transformed into a distinctive ornamental art because of the blending of various techniques, including those of clay sculpture, mosaic and painting. The author conducted long-term recording and researching on site where the artisans worked, documenting the use of tools, materials and working procedures. With the passage of time, the working procedures and techniques of ceramic appliquéhave gradually declines, due to the consideration of cost in the modern society. Despite numerous academic discourses on ceramic appliqué, which largely focused on the analysis of genres and individual works, little has been discussed in terms of the working techniques of the present day. This study elaborates on the fabrication process of traditional ceramic appliquéin Taiwan, hoping to contribute to the conservation of this local yet declining art form.
起訖頁 45-77
關鍵詞 傳統剪黏建築裝飾藝術剪黏工具剪黏材料施作工序流程Traditional Ceramic AppliquéDecorative Art in ArchitectureCeramic AppliquéToolsCeramic AppliquéMaterialsWorking Techniques
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201506 (31期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 文化資產培力理念之探討--以八德中正堂歷史建築修復再利用為例
該期刊-下一篇 數位色彩檢視系統於藝術品保存之應用




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