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Improving the Utilization Rate of Surgical Instruments in the Central Supply Room
作者 許美蘭那愷庭李靜怡蔡瑛瑛
器械重複過期造成供應中心需花費許多的人力、時間重新拆包、核對及滅菌,無形中增加醫院的營運成本。本專案目的在降低器械包過期比率,據94年1~3月統計,器械過期比率約21.5%,其主要問題為使用頻率低、器械沒定期整理,如特殊手術用但個案少、為突發狀況而備用之單包、已購買更先進器械舊有用不上、買後發現不適用、某醫師專用器械;或因器械配包量大於使用量、不同科別購買相同器械無統整、向廠商長期借用器械未定期整理、供應中心部分人員未按滅菌效期先進先出等。故成立專案小組重整使用率低器械包、配包量過多之器械減少設包量、統整各科購買相同器械、定期整理向廠商長期借用器械,器械包延長有效期限、監測同仁是否依滅菌效期先進先出。五個月內,器械包過期比率由21.5%降至4.11%,每天花費處理過期包時間由273分鐘降至80分鐘;每月花費成本由80,000元降至16,000 元。證明專案實施後,在不影響手術進行下,達到降低器械包過期率之目標及節省醫院成本的支出。
The expired instrument repetition causes the supply center to have to spend a lot of manpower in the time of reopening the package, checkup, and re-applying the antiseptic.This increases the hospital transport and business cost.The special case goal was to reduce the expiration ratio of the instrument packages.The main question was not regularly reorganizing the frequency of lowly used instruments. Therefore the established special case group rallied the utilizationratio of lowly used instrument packages, matched the amount ofmany instruments to reduce the supposed number with various branches purchasing the same instruments, and the regular reorganization borrowing the instruments for a long time from the merchants, and lengthening the date of expiry of the instrument package. In five months, the expired instrument package of ratio fell from 21.5% to 4.11%. The daily processing expired package time fell from 273 to 80 minutes; Each month of expenditure cost fell from 80,000 Yuan to 16,000 Yuan.
起訖頁 188-195
關鍵詞 過期包滅菌效期Expired packageShelf life
刊名 榮總護理  
期數 200806 (25:2期)
出版單位 榮總護理雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 某醫學中心對護理人員職場安全態度之調查
該期刊-下一篇 耳朵創意保護套




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