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Safety Attitude Survey of the Nursing Staffs in a Medical Center
作者 陳玉枝簡淑芬李偉強 (Wei-Keung Lee)
本研究目的為瞭解護理人員對於病人安全態度的認知程度,並比較不同單位護理人員對病人安全認知之差異,做為管理者在訂定安全成效指標與政策的參考。研究工具採用Sexton博士設計的安全態度問卷(Safety Attitude Questionnaire,SAQ)中文版,其涵蓋六個構面各為:團隊合作風氣、安全風氣、對工作的滿意度、對壓力的認知、對單位管理的感受、以及對工作狀況的感受,工具Cronbachα值達.93。研究期間自96年3月10日至3月30日止,以普查方式進行,問卷發放2000份,回收1476份,回收率達73.8%。結果顯示以「團隊合作風氣」的認同度最高,而「對單位管理的感受」為最低,特別在「臨床人力配置足以處理病人工作量」題項的得分最低。不同工作單位之護理人員在安全態度上各有差異,急診室與手術室的護理人員認知的壓力最高,新進及資深護理人員病人安全認知持較高的正向態度,主管人員對病人安全態度的認知均高於非主管,建議推廣安全教育、實施主管走訪安全模式及正視人力負荷問題,以提供病人安全的照護。
This study aims to evaluate nurses’attitudes toward patient safety in a medical center. The tool for study was the Chinese version of The Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ) developed by Sexton (2004) that covers 6 dimensions of safety attitude such as teamwork climate, safety climate, job satisfaction, stress recognition, perceptions of unit management and working conditions.Cronbach áreached 0.93 and the valid response rate was 73.8%.The results showed the highest scores associated with teamwork climate and the lowest scores in feelings about hierarchical management.The nurses in the emergency room and operating room perceived the highest stress from clinical work.Newcomers and senior staff showed better recognition of patient safety issues.Nursing leaders showed better recognition of patient safety than non-leaders. In conclusion, patient safety education provided for the nurses, aided by leadership walk rounds, is mandatory if we want to improve patient safety in clinical settings.
起訖頁 179-187
關鍵詞 病人安全團隊合作安全風氣工作滿意度壓力認知單位管理感受工作的狀況Patient safetyTeamwork climateSafety climateJob satisfactionStress recognitionPerceptions of unit managementWorking conditions
刊名 榮總護理  
期數 200806 (25:2期)
出版單位 榮總護理雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 原發位不明癌合併多處轉移年輕病人之臨終護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 供應中心手術器械包滅菌效期改進方案




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