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On the Inscriptions of the Double Buddhas from Quyang, Hebei (I)
作者 簡佩琦
Among the over two thousand Han Jade Buddhist sculptures excavated from Quyang, Baoding, Henan Province in the 1950s, the ''double images'' attract the most attention. There have been many statues of double Buddhas sitting together found in many places all over China, but double Guanyins and double Pensive Bodhisattvas are only found in Quyang area. Previously, I pointed out three different stylistic types of double images from Quyang area. This paper will further research on the inscriptions of the first type of double Buddhas to analyze the relationship between the patrons and beneficiaries, the patrons' vows, and how the patrons perceive the double Buddhas. There are three elements in these sculptures: donors, sculptures, and beneficiaries during the Northern Qi Dynasty. The inscriptions give titles to the sculptures freely and reveal a strong connection between the sculptures and the patrons. A intertextual analysis also shows these inscriptions are in accordance with the three formal types in terms of the time periods.
起訖頁 113-141
關鍵詞 曲陽造像題記二佛並坐雙身QuyangSculpturesInscriptionsDouble BuddhasDouble Images
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202012 (31期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 春秋時代第二次弭兵會盟失效時間芻議
該期刊-下一篇 孔子「可與立,未可與權」試詮──兼述司馬遷對叔孫通權變之敘寫




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