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How Confucius evaluated the establish of being a man and to weigh the political judgment-Seeing Shusun Tong's Choice from''Records of the Grand Historian''
作者 朱心怡
Confucius once said :'' People whom if we may get so established along with, we shall find them unable to weigh occurring events along with us.'' Learning, Taoism, establishment, and power belong to four different stages. This passage of Confucius is not about personal development, but about changes in the relationship between people and me. In this article we try to find out the process from study in common to weigh occurring events alone. Why is that only oneself can weigh occurring events? Shusun Tong is known for organization of the first court worship for the Emperor of Han. He tried to build etiquette and ceremonies in Han dynasty. His flexible thinking allows him to reach his goal. And that why we choose him as a model to study.
起訖頁 143-168
關鍵詞 孔子個體性叔孫通ConfuciusestablishweighindividualityShusun Tong
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202012 (31期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 河北曲陽雙身造像碑刻題記探究之一:二佛並坐(雙佛)




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