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Outcomes of the Application of Performance-Based Assessment System for Educational Practicums
作者 黃嘉莉 (Huang, Jia-Li)武佳瀅 (Chia-Ying Wu)
因應2017年《師資培育法》調整先考試後實習,讓教育實習成績成為取得教師證書的重要依據。本研究基於國際趨勢與相關研究,建構以表現為本的實習成績評量制度,並蒐集利害關係人意見,以瞭解制度試辦的成效。本研究建構評量制度後經過試辦,回收實習學生330份、實習輔導教師255份、實習指導教師41份問卷後,運用SPSS 22軟體進行統計描述分析與質化編碼。本研究發現在表現評量任務的設計上,能讓利害關係人對教育實習歷程有整體性認識、促使實習輔導教師瞭解幫助實習學生方法、促進互動並增進實習輔導教師自我反思,以及減輕革新成績評量負擔的效果;在表現評量任務設計上,能精進實習學生專業教學能力,但任務表單的設計仍有調整的空間;在表現評量方法上,能讓評量實習學生表現更為客觀與具有共識。
This study aimed to design a new performance-based assessment system for educational practicums to replace the high-risk assessment included in the Teacher Education Act, amended in 2017. Data were collected from stakeholders’ opinions, including 330 student teachers, 255 cooperating teachers, and 41 teacher educators through descriptive statistics. The results demonstrated that the newly developed system allows stakeholders to understand the whole educational practicum process, allows participating teachers to better understand the ways they can help student teachers, facilitates stakeholder interactions, stimulates participating teachers’ reflections, and reduces the burden due to previous reforms to the education practicum assessment system. Second, the tasks can promote student teachers’ professional competence, but must be adjusted for tasks that are too cumbersome. Third, the use of performance-based assessment methods can make the outcome of assessments more objective and reach a consensus. This research developed an original performance evaluation system that parallels international trends and conforms to the characteristics of educational practicum situated learning. This research also provides additional design ideas and evidence for the transformation of the educational practicum system in Taiwan as a basis for granting teacher certificates.
起訖頁 001-038
關鍵詞 表現本位評量師資培育教育實習臨床表現評量performance-based assessmentteacher educationeducational practicumclinic performance assessment
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202103 (66:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 撥雲見日─身心障礙資賦優異學生教學輔導之行動研究




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