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Effects of Memory-Inhibitory Control Activity with Embedded Repeated Read-aloud Programs on Executive Function and Oral Comprehension Ability of Preschoolers
作者 簡馨瑩
Executive function develops rapidly among preschoolers and is critical for early cognitive development. This study investigated the impact of teaching strategies on preschoolers’ oral language skills, specifically repeated read-aloud programs with memory-inhibitory activities embedded. This study employed a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design. Children aged from 4 years 8 months to 6 years participated in the study (N = 55). They were recruited from preschools in Taitung County. A total of 27 children were assigned to one experimental group (executive function group), and the remaining 28 were assigned to the control group. Preservice teachers were recruited and trained to teach both groups. The intervention spanned 9 weeks. Oral language tests (curriculum-based receptive vocabulary and oral comprehension) and executive function tests (verbal working memory and inhibitory control) were administered before and after the intervention. The findings revealed that the experimental group had a significant positive impact on participants’ oral language comprehension and executive function abilities compared with the control group. The implications of the study findings are discussed, and potential topics for future research are proposed.
起訖頁 275-304
關鍵詞 工作記憶口語理解抑制控制執行功能詞彙working memoryoral comprehensioninhibitory controlexecutive functionvocabulary
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202012 (65:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 技職教師生涯素養量表之編製




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