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Development of Scientific Literacy Indicators for Students in the Industrial Sector of Vocational Senior High Schools
作者 許綺婷譚克平
Scientific literacy has been a topic of research for several decades. However, very few studies have directly focused on clarifying the content of scientific literacy for students in vocational senior high schools. To fill this research gap, in this study, a comprehensive set of scientific literacy indicators was developed for students from the industrial sector of vocational senior high schools in Taiwan. This objective was achieved through an extensive literature review and consultation with science educators who are experts of scientific literacy. Subsequently, the study presented a tentative framework suitable for students in the industrial sector. Comments on the appropriateness of the framework were collected from 28 scholars and 41 vocational high school teachers through two rounds of Delphi survey. Subsequently, statistics were compiled, and the framework was finalized through two rounds of consensus meetings with experts familiar with science education and vocational education. The following five dimensions were identified: possessing basic scientific knowledge, engaging in basic scientific inquiry and communicating in order to solve problems, applying scientific thinking to solve problems encountered in daily life, applying scientific knowledge and methods at the workplace, as well as holding an appropriate attitude and behavioral disposition towards sciences. On the basis of our findings, several suggestions concerning the development of suitable curricula for students in the industrial sector of vocational senior high schools are presented.
起訖頁 203-240
關鍵詞 工業類科技術型高中科學素養德菲調查法industrial sectorvocational senior high schoolscientific literacyDelphi survey
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202012 (65:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 國內大學學習預警資訊系統研究:發展現況與侷限
該期刊-下一篇 技職教師生涯素養量表之編製




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