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A Study on the Moisture Buffering Performance of Indoor Wall Materials
作者 陳上仁 (Shang-Jen Chen)邵文政 (Wen-Cheng Shao)樊冠偉 (Guan-Wei Fan)

本研究以104年度「台灣公立國民中小學老舊廁所整修工程實施計畫」之獲補助學校學生為研究對象,透過自編之「校園老舊廁所整修工程使用狀況調查表」作問卷調查,並使用敘述統計、T檢定、無母數分析、事後檢定及皮爾森積差相關分析等,瞭解學生對整修後廁所各構面滿意度及相關性。本研究共計發放問卷4810份,得有效問卷3020份。 本研究具體結論如下:(一)整體滿意度(M=4.29)且各項構面之滿意度均偏高,整修後廁所顯著提升學生愛惜使用新廁所(M = 4.66)之心態,有效達境教之環境影響力。(二)「美學教育」構面與「整體滿意度」達非常高度正相關,而「美學教育」的實踐除應通盤考慮四大機能改善變項外,尚具外部影響因素。(三)女廁F4(Median=4.75)與F5(Median=4.75) 滿意度顯著高於F1(Median=4.00),F4、F5開口部形式可做為設計配置之參考依據。 台灣四面環海,氣候溫熱潮溼,若室內溼度處理不當,常引起許多問題,根據相關研究指出,室內相對溼度若超過70%會導致居住者之疾病產生,而低於40%則會增加空氣傳染性病毒與細菌之存活率,室內黴菌污染主要來自空調與室內材料,尤其是建材表面,因此需控制室內的溼度、清潔和保持乾燥,抑制室內環境黴菌及黴菌孢子生長及找出室內建材含水量及漏水之源頭,才能提高居住生活品質。 本研究針對三項調溼建材水份分布及空間溼度進行檢測調查,建材表面溫度及溼度量測儀器使用水份分析儀量測出其牆體含水量,並將量測之數據帶入三維科學繪圖軟模擬出牆體表面建材水份分布,空間溫溼度檢測採用溫溼度收集器作為空間檢測之儀器。 建材調溼性能方面則放入恆溫恆溼系統進行吸、放溼性能之實驗可得知A-CO、B-SI、C-ES三種建材其調溼水量為A-CO材料吸溼70g/m2;放溼82.3g/m2、B-SI材料吸溼61.3g/m2;放溼51.75g/m2、C-ES材料吸溼100g/m2;放溼91.8g/m2,根據此結果在吸溼性能方面排序為C-ES>A-CO>B-SI;放溼性能排序C-ES>A-CO>B-SI。依據上述實驗結果利用檢量線法推估出三項建材計算之公式,計算出實際牆面含水量。



Taiwan, surrounded by the oceans, is warm and humid. If the indoor temperature is not controlled appropriately, it will give rise to problems. According to related studies, it is indicated that residents are likely to get sick if the indoor relative humidity is over 70 percent. However, if it is lower than 40 percent, it also boosts chances of the survival rate for air-borne viruses and germs. As for indoor molds, they mainly result from air conditioners and indoor materials, especially surfaces of materials. Hence, there is a need to control the humidity, to keep the room clean and dry, to suppress indoor molds and spores, and to find out the moisture distribution of indoor materials and sources of leakage. In so doing, quality of life can be improved. The paper offers an opportunity to conduct an experiment on the moisture distribution of three moisture buffering materials and the humidity of buildings. Measuring instrument for temperature and humidity of Building Materials Surface uses TRAMEX Survey Encounter to measure the moisture content of walls, and the result is put in A Powerful Contouring,Gridding,and Surface Mapping Package for Scientists and Engineers to model the moisture distribution of wall surface materials. i-log is used to test the temperature and humidity. Environmental Chamber allows researchers to test the function of humidity control and to conductexperiments on it. The experiment in the paper indicates that the three construction materials, A-CO, B-SI and C-ES, bring different statistics. However, they are in a standardized test: per square meter, per hour and with one kilogram of each of them. A-CO absorbs moisture 70g/m2and releases moisture 82.3g/m2. B-SI absorbs moisture 61.3g/m2 and releases moisture 51.75g/m2. C-ES absorbs moisture 100g/m2 and releases moisture 91.8g/m2.Therefore, it is clear that the result of moisture absorption goes C-ES>A-CO> B-SI, and that the moisture releasability goes C-ES> A-CO> B-SI. The result and the calibration curve help researchers calculate the formula of the three materials. Hence, the paper is able to provide its readers with the moisture distribution of the above materials and in walls.


起訖頁 037-061
關鍵詞 調濕建材平衡含水率含水量室內環境水份分布Moisture Buffering MaterialsMoisture Equilibrium ContentMoisture ContentIndoor EnvironmentMoisture Distribution
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202003 (111增刊期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 室內照明節能評估系統對於照明規劃模擬階段作業簡化之研究
該期刊-下一篇 挑空空間自動撒水系統對火場煙層擾動之影響




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