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綜論殖民時期與二戰後印尼穆斯林 宗教暴力在政治訴求活動的使用
Muslim Religious Violence as Political Maneuver in Colonial and Post-War Indonesia: a Critical Overview
作者 董梵 (Dhont, Frank)

本論文以歷史發展脈絡探索印尼人民大眾在荷蘭殖民、日本占領、獨立運 動期間如何被政治菁英人物以伊斯蘭為驅動力所動員,作為政治活動目的之運 作工具。透過比較分析可得知,政治菁英往往利用伊斯蘭作為政治暴力運作的 手段;而時代環境的不同與限制也使得暴力之使用有所調整。在荷蘭殖民時 期,這種對抗壓迫之現象是相當明顯的,但在日本占領期間則變得模糊不清。 此論文也提出在印尼獨立時期穆斯林暴力活動後所面臨的幾個嚴肅議題。依據 對菁英分子動員具暴力性大眾的分析,在以穆斯林人口為主體的印尼,伊斯蘭 認同常常被操作於政治活動之標的中,且其效應依方式或多或少而有差異。



This article discusses the way Indonesia masses were mobilized and propelled by Islam into various violent actions directed by political actors in numerus case studies during the Dutch colonial, Japanese and Indonesian independence era. A comparative analysis allows insights into how Islam as a factor of political activism was exploited by political elites historically, but also how the political narratives accompanying this violence adapted to the constraints of the era. The analysis in the paper shows that during the Dutch era a clear anti-colonial rhetoric struggle against oppression was a relevant driver of mobilization, while this struggle against oppression became increasingly dubious as motivation during the Japanese era. This article raises serious questions of legitimacy on the politics behind Muslim violence during the era of Indonesian independence. An analysis of the elites behind these violent masses shows how exactly Islam as religion of the majority population was used for political goals of the elites with various degrees of success.


起訖頁 055-072
關鍵詞 印尼伊斯蘭穆斯林暴力政治菁英荷蘭殖民日本占領Indonesian IslamMuslim violencepolitical elitesDutch ColonizationJapanese Occupation
刊名 新世紀宗教研究  
期數 201903 (17:3期)
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
該期刊-上一篇 連結 Nusantara 與 al-Jazīrah al-‘Arabiyyah:十七世紀新蘇非主義(neo-Sufism) 與馬來世界近代伊斯蘭之發展
該期刊-下一篇 沈默的社群: 寮國穆斯林社群調查報告




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