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Aesthetic Tastes During Martial Law and the Cold War: On Wu Lu-Chin’s Essays and the Questions of Their Canonization
作者 陳建忠 (Jian-Zhong Chen)



In this paper, Wu Lu-Chin’s essays The paper intends to use Wu Lu-Chin’s essays as an example by which to rethink existing research on the history of the essay genre. In addition, it will attempt to reconsider two current assumptions: the first being that so-called “non-antiCommunist writers” equals “liberalist writers”, and the second being that descriptive essays are main stream aesthetics, all within the economic and political contexts of national literary & artistic institutions, as well as the United States Information Service (USIS).
Moreover, this paper : will revisit the phenomena of “the aesthetics of humorous essays” as well as the existence of writers and/or scholars who are familiar with Americanism, and even “pro-Americanism.” In comparison with writers prior to the Second World War, post-war male writers were more inclined to self-entertaining and humorous themes and styles which began an essay-writing tradition during the first two post-war decades; one that was culturally elite, but also focused more on scholars’ life experiences (namely literature,, painting and cuisine). In this paper, Wu Lu-Chin’s essays The paper intends to use Wu Lu-Chin’s essays as an example by which to rethink existing research on the history of the essay genre. In addition, it will attempt to reconsider two current assumptions: the first being that so-called “non-antiCommunist writers” equals “liberalist writers”, and the second being that descriptive essays are main stream aesthetics, all within the economic and political contexts of national literary & artistic institutions, as well as the United States Information Service (USIS).
Moreover, this paper : will revisit the phenomena of “the aesthetics of humorous essays” as well as the existence of writers and/or scholars who are familiar with Americanism, and even “pro-Americanism.”In comparison with writers prior to the Second World War, post-war male writers were more inclined to self-entertaining and humorous themes and styles which began an essay-writing tradition during the first two post-war decades; one that was culturally elite, but also focused more on scholars’ life experiences (namely literature,, painting and cuisine). Amidst thecoming-together of aesthetic beliefs during the Cold War, which availed from the spread of aesthetic codes and tastes, the popularity of Wu Lu-chin’s aesthetic prose and way-of-thinking is thus not only the collective reflection of an era, butalso a part of the spiritual history of a people in exile.

起訖頁 083-104
關鍵詞 吳魯芹閒適散文知美派自由主義美學品味Wu Lu-Chin humorous essays“pro-Americanism.”liberalismaesthetic tastes
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 201408 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
DOI 10.3966/181856492014080016004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 知識傳播與小說倫理:以《零地點》為發端的討論
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