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Older Books are Taken Advantage of Digital Technology to Activate and Transfer -- A Case of the National Taiwan Library
作者 鄭來長
國立臺灣圖書館(以下簡稱國臺圖)珍藏豐富的臺灣學特藏資料,其中有許多極罕見的珍本,如珍貴古地圖《臺灣番社圖》是現存清代較早期的單幅彩繪卷軸之臺灣全圖;珍貴圖冊《六十七兩采風圖合卷》則是描繪18世紀臺灣原住民生活情形及當時臺灣物產,為研究臺灣早期原住民之重要參考資料。國臺圖自105年至107年與東南科技大學合作數位人文計畫,運用現代數位相關技術,以3D視覺動態影像及3D VR虛擬實境,將《臺灣番社圖》內容製成動畫,另以數位畫布與AR導覽畫廊,將《六十七兩采風圖合卷》結合實際生活文化與歷史地理空間。自107年與復興高級商工職業學校合作,由該校學生利用圖書館的特藏資料,進行文創品設計。運用數位科技將古籍活化與傳布,讓民眾得以體驗並感受先民的社會生活風貌,使民眾瞭解臺灣早期環境變遷,極具震撼效果與教育意義。
The National Taiwan Library (NTL), with the largest Taiwan research collection of books which are unique editions. There is a precious ancient map collected in the NTL, named Taiwan Fan She (Aboriginal) Map which is an earlier known existing single painted scrolls full map of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, including Liu Shi Qi's Two Panorama prints of Taiwan, the picture describe 18th Taiwanese aborigines' local life and product to become the important research materials for understanding the people. From 2016 to 2018, NTL and Tungnan University participated the Digital Humanities plan,then take advantage of digital knowledge to let Taiwan Fan She (Aboriginal) Map for the cartoons by 3D visual motion image and 3D VR Virtual Reality. In addition, we use Liu Shi Qi's Two Panorama prints of Taiwan to combine real living culture and historical geography making cartoons by digital pictures and AR technology, then guide visitors who get experiment with the earlier Taiwanese aborigines' life and know the people's change. Besides, Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts School also joined the plan, their students use NTL's precious to design cultural and creative goods in 2018. These actions are attractive and educational.
起訖頁 23-33
關鍵詞 國立臺灣圖書館東南科技大學臺灣番社圖六十七兩采風圖虛擬實境擴增實境National Taiwan LibraryTungnan UniversityTaiwan Fan She (Aboriginal) MapLiu Shi Qi's Two Panorama prints of TaiwanVirtual RealityAugmented Reality
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201912 (2019:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 佛光山「雲水書坊―行動圖書館」偏鄉教育成長的推手
該期刊-下一篇 融攝古法‧創新思維――國家圖書館敦煌文獻修復紀實




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