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Fo Guang Shan “Water and Cloud Mobile Library”-- the Promoter of Improving the Remote Areas' Education
作者 如常法師
The Fo Guang Shan Water and Cloud Mobile Library" is initiated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun who hoped that books can be made accessible in remote schools and communities. Venerable Master hopes that through reading, the standard of living could be improved. With this idea, the first Water and Cloud Mobile Library" was born in 2007. In response to demands from libraries in various cities and countries across Taiwan, the Water and Cloud Mobile Library" has developed a fleet of 53 vehicles, and the service area has expanded to Japan, the Philippines, and Malaysia. In order to promote a reading atmosphere, Fo Guang Shan hold the largest international book fair in southern Taiwan every year since 2013. A joint graduation ceremony is also held concurrently for remote schools. These mobiles libraries deliver books and boundless hope to wherever they are needed.
起訖頁 15-22
關鍵詞 行動圖書館偏鄉教育Mobile LibraryEducation for the Remote Areas
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201912 (2019:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 公共圖書館做為知識傳播的媒介:以讀者為中心的閱讀推手――以高雄市立圖書館為例
該期刊-下一篇 數位科技運用於古籍活化與傳布――以國立臺灣圖書館為例




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