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Public Library as a Medium for Knowledge Dissemination: A Usercentered Reading Promoter -- the Case of Kaohsiung Public Library
作者 潘政儀
The process of information dissemination consists the production, value-add and management, marketing and dissemination of information. In the past, public libraries were good at collecting, organizing, and repository, and also focus on information management. That is, it stands at the midstream of the information dissemination. With the rise of reading awareness, Kaohsiung Public Library began to offer user-centered services – to outreach the upstream and downstream information flow, which means the knowledge production and innovative marketing. User-centered practices intensify library's features, not only supply collection and services in an active way, but building connection with citizens by diversified strategies. The aim of all these actions is to assist citizens in building up reading habits and enrich citizens' daily life. The study shows how Kaohsiung Public Library uses the knowledge production, knowledge dissemination, organizational change, and spatial transformation to accumulate the thinking power of the city, and to prompt public libraries to become the 'third place' for citizens.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 公共圖書館知識傳播創新服務Public LibrariesKnowledge DisseminationInnovation Services
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201912 (2019:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-下一篇 佛光山「雲水書坊―行動圖書館」偏鄉教育成長的推手




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