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朝向Critical Content-Based Instruction的會話課程──以多元文化共生為主題(Japanese Conversation Course Based on Critical Content-Based Instruction: Under the Theme of 'Multicultural Symbiosis')
Critical Content-Based Instructionを目指した会話授業──多文化共生をテーマに
作者 中村香苗
本文是探討Critical Content-Based Instruction(CCBI)方法論如何應用於台灣的大學日語會話課程的實踐報告。研究結果顯示,CCBI可以培養學生對於一般社會中複雜與不公平權力關係的意識。以「多元文化共生」為主題,在本研究的第三年日語會話課程當中,學生積極討論了外籍勞工、外國子女教育、種族歧視等議題。透過相關文章新聞等閱讀,加上進行訪談、角色扮演、及研究報告,本課程試圖讓學生意識、反思社會弱勢族群議題,並採取行動。學期末所展現的結果為,在學期開始沒有意識到身邊外國人存在的台灣學生,最後能將弱勢族群面對的問題當作自身的課題。今後課程設計可以改進的地方在於,讓學生試著加入「社會改革」的計畫構思,並且進一步思考連結其他課程與其他學科的可能,以求在不同面向上深化多元文化的學習。
This article demonstrates how a Japanese conversation course of a Taiwanese university can adopt the philosophy of 'Critical Content-Based Instruction (CCBI)' and cultivate students' awareness of complicated and unfair power dynamics in society. Under the theme of 'multicultural symbiosis,' the 3rd year conversation course dealt with various topics including foreign workers, foreign children's education, and racial discrimination. Through not only reading articles but also conducting interviews , role-play and research projects, the course aimed to make students 'notice,' 'reflect' and 'act on' the issues regarding social minority groups. As a result, the students, who did not recognize the existence of immigrants in Taiwan at the beginning of the semester, had become enable to consider the minorities' issues as if they were their own problems by the end of the semester.
起訖頁 69-91
關鍵詞 多元文化共生,日語會話課程Multicultural SymbiosisJapanese Conversation Course
刊名 銘傳日本語教育  
期數 201910 (22期)
出版單位 銘傳大學應用語文學院應用日語學系
該期刊-上一篇 探討透過圖像與日文交流促進主動學習的可行性──以Instagram為例的JFL日語教學研究(The possibility of active learning through Japanese language exchange and communication in images)
該期刊-下一篇 大學裡的茶道文化教育之實踐報告:淡江大學「社團學習與實作課程」的導入與省思(Sado Education at Tamkang University: The Influence of「TKU Learning and Practice of Clubs」)




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