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New Zealand qualifications framework -Linked to the basic academic competence and diversified school system
作者 于承平 (Cheng-Ping Yu)
In the global free trade environment, cross-border free trade agreements have become a common consensus, that will bring about the removal of state control and promote the free flow of money, goods and talents, but the flow of talent involves the degree and experience acquired in the territory of both countries, and about license, certificate or qualifications are mutually recognized. Based Taiwan and New Zealand signed a free trade agreement. This article is intended to explore above problem and it's solution. In order to highlight the key points of problem, the study uses literature analysis and document analysis method to analyzed national certificate of educational achievement, the development of tertiary education system, and based on the diversified education system to establish the New Zealand Qualifications Framework and quality assurance. To go a step further explored the important factors that contributed to the development of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, including senior high school education should develop students' basic academic competence, tertiary education should gradually increase the ratio of public schools, and quality assurance for each qualifications.
起訖頁 111-151
關鍵詞 國家教育成就證書第三級教育學歷資格架構品質保證公立技術及理工學院national certificate of educational achievementtertiary educationqualifications frameworkquality assurance Institutes of Technology and Polytechnic
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201911 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 縣市層級課程推廣之個案研究:以新北市品德教育聯絡簿為例
該期刊-下一篇 從教師專業發展角度看中國大陸公開課的影響與爭議




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