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A case study on the curricular dissemination at municipal level: The Character Educational Communication Book in New Taipei City
作者 侯一欣高新建 (Shin-Jiann Gau)
The Character Educational Communication Books designed and implemented from 2011 owing to acting in concert with the Ministry of Education , have affected almost all elementary and junior high schools in New Taipei City. In order to realize how the background factors from individual teacher and organizational climate take effect in the dissemination from municipal government to schools, we surveyed 29 directors of student affairs and 612 teachers in junior high schools by questionnaire, and data gathered was statistically analyzed by HLM 7.0. According to the reviews and discoveries, we reach the conclusions as the follows: 1. If we only take the respects of individual background into account, teachers who had the learning experiences from external institutions would perform well in curriculum implementation, classroom instruction and fluency of implementation. 2. Accounting for the ability of problem solving, if individual teacher get older and more experiences, he would perform well in problem solving. However as the teacher stays in the same school more longer, he would lose more motivation of problem solving, just for being accustomed to conservative tradition in each school. 3. The degrees of institutionalization and affluent implementation interact positively in the effectiveness of curriculum implementation, but only highlight the degree of institutionalization would lead to negative effectiveness. 4. If we also take the respects of organizational background into account, teachers who had the ‘new' learning experiences from external institutions would conflict with the traditional institutionalization and thus have negative effectiveness in curriculum implementation. 5. The background factors from individual teacher and organizational climate must be taken into account, especially about the dissemination from municipal government to schools.
起訖頁 55-109
關鍵詞 課程推廣課程實施品德教育階層線性模式curriculum disseminationcurriculum implementationCharacter Educationhierarchical linear model
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201911 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 持續安靜閱讀對國小一年級學童識字能力與閱讀興趣之影響
該期刊-下一篇 結合基本學力與多元學制所發展之紐西蘭學歷資格架構




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