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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
An Action Research of the Effects of Using e-Picture Book Instruction on Young Children's Concentration and Reading Interests |
作者 |
段承汧、歐陽誾 (Yin OuYang) |
中文摘要 |
本研究採行動研究法,探討幼兒園教師運用電子繪本教學對幼兒專注力及閱讀興趣之影響。以24位四至六歲幼兒為對象,進行八週的電子繪本教學。本研究之主要研究發現有:(1)利用電子繪本教學透過適當的教學設計,呈現電子繪本,能降低大部分幼兒不專注的行為,亦即能有助於提升幼兒的專注力,達到相當之改善效果。(2)幼兒在經由電子繪本教學後,有助其閱讀興趣的提升。(3)教師在運用電子繪本自製特效及編輯聲音,有助提升教師的資訊能力;善用電子繪本的功效因勢利導,方有助於提升幼兒專注力及閱讀興趣之終極目標。 |
英文摘要 |
This study adopted action research to explore the effects of a kindergarten teacher applying e-picture book instruction on young children's concentration and reading interests. The subjects were 24 young children who have participated in the e-picture book instruction for eight weeks. The main findings were including that (1) the e-picture book instruction can help young children to improve their concentration. (2) Young children's interests in reading obviously increase after they participat the e-picture book instruction. (3) Applying the e-picture book by creating special effect and editing voice is able to enhance the teachers' ability of information technology. |
起訖頁 |
85-143 |
關鍵詞 |
電子繪本、專注力、閱讀興趣、幼兒、e-Picture Book、Concentration、Reading Interests、Young Children |
刊名 |
教育學誌 |
期數 |
201605 (35期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
國中學生家長管教子女在校偏差行為法制義務指標與權重之研究 |
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以Michel Foucault權力知識理論探究今日臺灣公立國中之教育實務 |