英文摘要 |
The disciplinary measurement of students' deviation behavior in school is highly related with students' mental and physical security and their learning quality. Obtaining legal and sufficient support from parents is an essential factor for educators in school to exercise disciplinary authority efficiently. Therefore, the first step of the study was to induce the legal obligation indicators and weight system by literature review. And then, the questionnaire survey was conducted to comprehend 140 public junior high school educators' opinions and preference to the adequacy of the built structure and content. The obligation of parent engagement, cooperation and the duty of parent violating the obligation of engagement or cooperation were constructed as three dimensions after the questionnaire survey, and 14 legal obligation indicators were emerged. The second step of the study was to implement the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to explore the comparative weight of the three dimensions and 14 indicators in professional community, including educators, judicial officials, and administrators. The results were as follows: in the three dimensions, the highest weight went to "the obligation of parent engagement" (.485), and in the 14 indicators, the highest weight went to "the obligation of engaging in the meeting with homeroom teacher or school administrators" (.192). Besides, educators in school and the professional community both tended to place the priority of "the obligation of parent engagement" ahead when formulating the legal obligation of parents in disciplining their children's deviation behavior in school. |