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以Michel Foucault權力知識理論探究今日臺灣公立國中之教育實務
The Study of Exploring Teaching Practice in Public Junior High Schools in Taiwan with Theory of Power/Knowledge from Michel Foucault
作者 馮美滿
The research based on Theory of Power Knowledge from Foucault analyzes knowledge through the description of Archaeology of Knowledge. In order to disclose the controlled process and framework which is not detected in the operation of teaching practice at school, the principles of discursive formation are used in teaching practice to explore the mutualism framework of Power and Knowledge; then, an exhibition of Power is discussed through the research of genealogy. The research shows that power is legalized and voiced in the operation of public schools through the principles of discursive formation and the policies of schools are converted into different methods of discipline and punish in order to tame students and make them submissive. In addition, by means of level supervising network and the system of rewards and penalties, the inspection of the mutualism of Power and Knowledge is formed to supervise students all the time. Next, by disciplining students, they are taught to obey the rules to reach the goals of discipline and punish. However, power and resistance could coexist. Students show their main consciousness in their own resistant methods and they will be with agency. The purpose of education, however, is not to monitor students, but to help students be free human beings with independent consciousness. Hence, in the process of education, students are cultivated to construct self-consciousness imperceptibly. Finally, the research proposes for morality education in Foucault's ethics of self-practice to develop education.
起訖頁 145-197
關鍵詞 權力知識理論論述形構原則規訓全景敞視主體意識Theory of Power/Knowledgethe principles of discursive formationdiscipline and punishPanopticonmain consciousness
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201605 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 電子繪本教學對幼兒專注力及閱讀興趣影響之行動研究




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