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全球化脈絡下的師生互動與關係再造:Paulo Freire的解放教學觀點
The Reconstruction of Teacher-pupil Interactions in the Era of Globalization: Paulo Freire's Critical Pedagogy Perspective
作者 湯仁燕
全球化是一種世界互動的現象與過程,在這種動態而複雜的互動中,生處於全地球的人都難以逃避彼此間的交互影響。在全球化的作用下,社會和個人所面對的變數愈來愈多,不確定性愈來愈高,價值的爭議性也愈來愈大,人們似乎也很難用固著而單一的思維面對這個巨大的潮流。在可預見的未來,全球化的衝擊將會持續進行而永不停歇,它將帶來危機或是轉機,端看社會與個人如何因應,並培養足夠的能力來面對。就教育的歷程來看,教室即是社會的縮影,師生關係即是人與人關係的建構,師生是共同生活在似曾相識卻又變動不居的地球村,每天都要面對許多來自社會內部和外部的挑戰。面對全球化帶來的文化互動與權力競合,教師與學生如何面對全球化與衝擊,發展跨文化議題的處理能力,破除全球化可能帶來的霸權文化壓迫和宰制,乃是當前教育的重要課題。本文以Paulo Freire 批判教學論的解放教學觀點,探討在全球化脈絡下師生關係應有的轉化,突顯教師在全球化思潮下,對話互動與民主實踐之重要意義。
Globalization is a dynamic and complex process and phenomenon of human interactions, and people in each social context inevitably feel the impact of such mutual contacts. With the effect of globalization getting stronger, humans encounter a greater level of uncertainty and their values are challenged by a greater level of diversity. It is thus difficult for humans to face the trend of globalization with a fixed and unitary value system. In the future, it is foreseeable that globalization is unabating and ceaseless. Whether globalization brings chances or crises depends on how well individuals and society are able to respond to it. Since education is a reflection of society, it cannot escape from the influence of globalization. Teachers and students socialize in the continually-evolving global village and face the challenges that emerge from both inside and outside their own life circle. Confronted with the frequency of cultural interactions and the confusion of power competition, the crucial issues for both teachers and students focus on how to face the impact of globalization, how to enhance the capability of dealing with intercultural issues, and how to dismantle the dominion of cultural hegemony and oppression. Situated in Paulo Freire's dialogic pedagogy, this article addresses the transformation of teacher-pupil relationships in the global era and highlights the significance of achieving dialogic pedagogy and actualizing democracy in an educational setting.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 全球化師生互動批判教學論globalizationteacher-pupil interactioncritical pedagogy
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201505 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 沒有問題小孩:普通班老師的功能評量旅程




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