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The Study of web-based Cooperative Learning Assessment
作者 尹玫君 (Mei-Chun Yin)劉亭言
Web-based learning is a significant and unstoppable trend that have transforming the way we teach and learn, therefore overcoming the limits set by traditional classroom; web-based learning is not just put teaching material online, should have specific teaching and evaluation strategy to achieve different curriculum goal and learner's needs; by doing this, we can evaluate learner's learning outcome effectively and improve teaching.The teaching quality of web-based learning is determined by appropriate teaching method and evaluation strategy and cooperative learning is the answer. Cooperative learning provides various communication form which providing feedback opportunities between learners and instructors. Through cooperative learning learners and instructors can participate evaluation process and experiencing the importance and spirit of learning.In case of the using cooperative web-based learning and evaluation to understand learner's opinion, and hopefully can build up an effective web-based cooperative learning assessment to achieve following goals:1. Design web-based cooperative learning online discussion and report assessment list.2. To analyze the online discussion content.3. To go through cooperative assessment and to understand the learners' opinion of online discussion and report assessment list.4. To understand the learners' opinion of cooperative assessment.5. To understand the satisfaction and attitude of learners toward course.Finally, hope the results of this study can provide helpful information in this area, connected theories and practice together and contribute better understanding for those people who study in this area.
起訖頁 113-155
關鍵詞 網路學習評量表合作評量web-based learningassessment listcooperative assessment
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201011 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 國民中小學整合性績效管理系統之建構:整合學校、校長與教師評鑑之概念模式
該期刊-下一篇 教育市場化與行銷思維策略之案例分析探究




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